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  1. Mike-666.exe

    Comment by 'Mike-666.exe' in media 'Halo 2 Sustainer intro'

    its the only track i know that just gets better every time i play it.
  2. Halo 2 Sustainer intro

    Halo 2 Sustainer intro

    I spent almost $3000 doll hairs for a banshee Mach 7 FRS custom. just to do this.
  3. Mike-666.exe

    sweep picking muting

    you could also mute with the right palm instead. neither is wrong and honestly a bit of both is often required. heres an example.
  4. Mike-666.exe

    Not guitar related, this question is wackerman/studio question that is probably a long shot but still interesting nonetheless.

    very late reply here im just now getting motivation to get back into my account after it was wiped....anyway YES. absolutely. knowing the patterns ahead of time IS drumming.
  5. Mike-666.exe

    Synyster Gates master class solo 8 finger tapping section help

    I just finished the entire backing track, with drums, rhythm, harmonies, and bass. both in gpx and midi with a fully recorded audio stems for each that i made myself.
  6. Mike-666.exe

    Not guitar related, this question is wackerman/studio question that is probably a long shot but still interesting nonetheless.

    it has made me put my guitar down for a good min there for a sec xD to learn drums. the VR allows you to learn exponentially quicker. If there was some how an AR app for guitar it would also increase the speed it takes to learn. to put this in perspective been playing drums for 3 months and...
  7. Mike-666.exe

    Not guitar related, this question is wackerman/studio question that is probably a long shot but still interesting nonetheless.

    Just let me start off by saying how excited i am to get back into teaching and learning more guitar. I love this website you guys. fucking nailed it. what got me back to it was honestly i started learning and teaching drums. A7x being my absolute favorite band of all time so obviously those were...
  8. Mike-666.exe

    why am i missing lessons clips at and listed as a new student? My account is as old as the site is,

    i had nearly half the lessons complete as I skipped right to syn Etudes 😅 i dont mind going through them again no biggie i use to go through comments and threads for any questions un-answered that i could i should be able to find it if the links are still here. thank you!
  9. Mike-666.exe

    why am i missing lessons clips at and listed as a new student? My account is as old as the site is,

    I figured that might have been the case. i was looking forward to seeing all my old videos and interactions but everything is gone. sad. well just gotta make new ones i guess.
  10. Mike-666.exe

    why am i missing lessons clips at and listed as a new student? My account is as old as the site is,

    so i am actually not a new account. in fact i've had this account since "syngatesguitarschool" first started. i recently got back on and wanted to get back into teaching. Looking through, im loving all of the cool newshit thats here now. but all my old content is gone?? long ago i had a...
  11. Mike-666.exe

    Different string tensions set ups with different scaled guitars and how does everyone go about maintaining their prefered setup with these changes.

    i do all my guitar tech myself. i know the point 10.5s match the tension i like i just havent ever used a .5 string set before and thought id look for some feedback thank you! My issue was the tension on a perfectly balanced floyd rose the action required to be higher due to obvious reasons...
  12. Mike-666.exe

    Different string tensions set ups with different scaled guitars and how does everyone go about maintaining their prefered setup with these changes.

    Does anyone have a recommend string size they use to keep tension the same to maintain the same setup between different scaled guitars? its been forever since i've been here god this site has changed. Anyway so i finally switched over to schector because I i've always wanted a sustainiac so i...
  13. Mike-666.exe

    Papagates or Syn! What's next?

    I’ve gone through every lesson. I am LOVING this, you guys are the best. I am currently just finished up the caged system and and moving onto knowing the entire fret board, but I was wondering. Do you guys have any plans for creating a few lessons with song composing or song writing. I’ve been...
  14. Mike-666.exe

    Bridge, neck or both positions for soloing?

    It’s usually good to switch between them. For instance the neck pickup gives a more cleaner sound when sweeps or scale runs up or down. However, playong further up the neck on lpwer trings it doesnt have the punch that the bridge pickup would have if that’s what you are going for. Also in most...