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Not guitar related, this question is wackerman/studio question that is probably a long shot but still interesting nonetheless.


Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Just let me start off by saying how excited i am to get back into teaching and learning more guitar. I love this website you guys. fucking nailed it.
what got me back to it was honestly i started learning and teaching drums. A7x being my absolute favorite band of all time so obviously those were the first songs i wanted to learn and

Holy F@#$^* SHit i thought syn's solo progressions were insane but i never noticed how complex the drums really are in a lot of Wackermans work. specifically on paradigm and the entire stage albumn really.

BUt anyway learned them all on guitar so fuck it drums should be cake compared to syn. *the cake is a lie*

However...i did learn the song...... yet ive only been playing drums for 2 months now...using an invisible drum kit... yes im serious my drum kit is invisible

well its a beta app in virtual reality to be more specific...but no seriously invisible :oops:

well anyway i chart drums tracks for the vr app,, which is similar to guitarhero, except the kit is real, and its FUCKING invisible.
so anyway my question was if at all possible to whom it may concern i wanted to ask for permission to use one of the tracks for a tutorial on how to build charts and kits for the app. with hopes to try and get more and more people into charting their own drums instead of flooding my inbox with song request as i am 1 of 3 charters atm trying to revive and entire guitar hero and rockband community into REAL invisible drums.

it wont be played all the way through and maybe only 30 or 40 seconds of the audio will be heard. but anyway thought id try my luck.
I currently have what im almost 99.9% sure is the most accurate chart for the stages drum track that doesn't exist anywhere else except wackermans brain. and my chart folder.
i made it an obsession to get the drums perfectly accurate..


Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
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Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Looks/sounds neat!
it has made me put my guitar down for a good min there for a sec xD
to learn drums. the VR allows you to learn exponentially quicker. If there was some how an AR app for guitar it would also increase the speed it takes to learn.

to put this in perspective been playing drums for 3 months and have charted and learned every one of bush wakermans songs for the game. (custom tracks not affiliated with the game )
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William B.

Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    it has made me put my guitar down for a good min there for a sec xD
    to learn drums. the VR allows you to learn exponentially quicker. If there was some how an AR app for guitar it would also increase the speed it takes to learn.

    to put this in perspective been playing drums for 3 months and have charted and learned every one of bush wakermans songs for the game. (custom tracks not affiliated with the game )
    It seems really difficult, I've seen some of his posts on instantgram and saw a few things I could practice.
    There's a virtual drum set on my phone app, it plays a bit different from an acoustic but I can see how it helps to learn and make patterns and such.
    I haven't learned any songs on drums yet, often the drums mesh really well with the songs and can be hard to hear exactly whats being played.

    Do you think that learning the patterns in the mind first helps before doing it on the real kit?

    I've seen some amazing drum playing on such apps and if I hadn't seen it, I'd not thought it possible

    Maybe with a special guitar with sensors it's possible but probably needs super tech
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    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    It seems really difficult, I've seen some of his posts on instantgram and saw a few things I could practice.
    There's a virtual drum set on my phone app, it plays a bit different from an acoustic but I can see how it helps to learn and make patterns and such.
    I haven't learned any songs on drums yet, often the drums mesh really well with the songs and can be hard to hear exactly whats being played.

    Do you think that learning the patterns in the mind first helps before doing it on the real kit?

    I've seen some amazing drum playing on such apps and if I hadn't seen it, I'd not thought it possible

    Maybe with a special guitar with sensors it's possible but probably needs super tech
    very late reply here im just now getting motivation to get back into my account after it was wiped....anyway

    YES. absolutely. knowing the patterns ahead of time IS drumming.
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