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Search results

  1. Fatiha Zeghir

    Fatiha - absolute beginner, need advice on picking guitar

    Yes yes - that's why I erased the bit about looking for tutorials - silly me! My brain fried out of excitement. I am looking into the lessons here, I am soooo happy! Thank you, will do :)
  2. Fatiha Zeghir

    Fatiha - absolute beginner, need advice on picking guitar

    Hi all again. Been a few busy weeks, but I finally received the fender stratocaster pack today! I am beyond excited. I can't believe Im going to start this thing! So I am starting from scratch so will go and look for ultra beginner tutorials. Cheers :)
  3. Fatiha Zeghir

    Please Send Love To A Hurting Fellow Student

    So so sorry for your loss @Millie Imber ! I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through. Sending you love to you and your loved ones 🙏 ❤
  4. Fatiha Zeghir

    Fatiha - absolute beginner, need advice on picking guitar

    Hi Ed, so it seems the guy in the shop recommended the one you recommended. The one in the shop is new, so more expensive than this, but he said that for under £200 it would be a new guitar, strap, bag, pics and an amp. I suppose I should get a tuner too right?
  5. Fatiha Zeghir

    Fatiha - absolute beginner, need advice on picking guitar

    Thank you Donovan for this. I will give it a go then. (y) Sorry, I don't know what you mean by single coils in the bridge though - these things, parts, elements, language are all new to me, as I'm tarting from scratch. So what are they good for if not metal tones? 🙏 Im not desperate about metal...
  6. Fatiha Zeghir

    Natural Born Killer live

    Yup. I find Volbeat so original and refreshing in a crazy way. I love how they mix the metal, folk and pop melodies. And they're so awesome live!
  7. Fatiha Zeghir

    Natural Born Killer live

    Oh lord, my favourite album of "all time" is not rock or metal at all. It's Dusty in Memphis ^^ I listen to many things even if I was a metal head for most of my teenage/adult life. My favourite bands are Avenged, Deftones, Volbeat, Arctic Monkeys, Body Count, Faith No More, Slipknot, Stone Sour...
  8. Fatiha Zeghir

    Natural Born Killer live

    Thanks. I have looked online a bit but though I don't find the actual quote, people remember something like that. :( That's amazing that nightmare if your fave album of all time. It is a great album :)
  9. Fatiha Zeghir

    Natural Born Killer live

    The song has wonderful bits in it. I saw online that the chorus is a bit generic, maybe to melodic or something, but the drums and guitars are great, and that solo is amazing, imho. Such a shame :(
  10. Fatiha Zeghir

    Natural Born Killer live

    such a strange decision. but if they dont like it what can we do? They could rework it or something maybe
  11. Fatiha Zeghir

    Natural Born Killer live

    Cheesy? What a strange description... I hope they play it live one day. Just for the solo ^^
  12. Fatiha Zeghir

    Natural Born Killer live

    I thought so but then couldnt believe it as it's such a great song. :(
  13. Fatiha Zeghir

    Natural Born Killer live

    Hi all. I just cannot find a video if it played live by the band. Anyone has a link please? Thanks
  14. Fatiha Zeghir

    Fatiha - absolute beginner, need advice on picking guitar

    Hi all again, so I went to a guitar shop in the guitar shops area in London and most of them were closed. The big one that was open suggested this one when I said I wanted to learn etc, a Squier bullet strat...
  15. Fatiha Zeghir

    Fatiha - absolute beginner, need advice on picking guitar

    Hi Alicia! And congratulations on the win! This is awesome :) I have given up on the idea of buying online, I will go into a shop and try them then, see how it feels and which wand will choose me ^^ I loved the informed responses here, though my head was spinning with all the technical words...
  16. Fatiha Zeghir

    Fatiha - absolute beginner, need advice on picking guitar

    Hi Donovan and thank you! Waw I read the whole thing twice. It does seem that electric is the way to go then. For some reason (my sheer ignorance) I always thought that you begin with acoustic and progress to electric. Electric always seemed to me the destination rather than the journey. I will...
  17. Fatiha Zeghir

    Fatiha - absolute beginner, need advice on picking guitar

    Hi Dominik and thank you for your welcome :) I guess I want to just be able to play songs that I like which range from pop to folk to rock and metal. And ideally I would like to write. I have melodies in my head which I would like to put into proper music and I don't play any instruments. Thank...
  18. Fatiha Zeghir

    Fatiha - absolute beginner, need advice on picking guitar

    My budget is around £100. I have seen the packs you mention, and they are mostly out of stock. I was surprised. I will look at all suggestions. I really want to learn properly as I have been thinking about it a long time but due to too busy a life I couldnt really do it, then I gave up at the...
  19. Fatiha Zeghir

    Fatiha - absolute beginner, need advice on picking guitar

    Thank you Ed! When you practice on an electric, do you have to have the guitar plugged to the amp? Cuz if it is the case, then my housemate will suffer hell.