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A Different Collaboration: Testimonial Video!


Jak Angelescu

Hey guys and dolls! I thought of a REALLY good idea just now. I’m still seeing people on Instagram who are hesitant about the joining the school. Oddly enough, there are so many people who still think it costs money, they’re curious of the content, and does it really help. I can only do so much alone on my Instagram account in hopes of encouraging others to start the guitar or to join. So I thought it would be AWESOME, if students submitted a clip of their testimony to me and allowed me to make a video compilation to post it on YouTube and Instagram. It can be things you’ve learned, how you’ve improved, your favorite features about the school (such as the awesome interface of the chord charts, the slowdown options, and backing tracks), or even a clip of you playing! I would like for beginners, intermediate and advanced players to all submit some sort of playing so everyone can see that you don’t have to be a prodigy to sign up. If you’d like to be a part of this, please submit a video of NO MORE than 10-15 seconds long and have them submitted to me by Wednesday!
Length: 10-15 seconds long
Email to: [email protected]
Deadline: April 25th
I really hope this will encourage more people to join and put their fears to rest. What do you all think?

Jak Angelescu

Yes! I did see it! I just didn’t comment because my phone died, but excellent job! The chord chart can be seen on the lesson in the shape of a fretboard near the meter of the lesson. It looks like a little box with strings on it on the bottom right. You click on it, and it opens up the guitar fretboard along with the lesson so you can see where you’re suppose to put your fingers, along with the names of the notes

Jak Angelescu

Thank you everyone, I’m really looking forward to doing this! I would like to make a little note about recording your videos. Please make sure that you have adequate lighting and we can see your face. Natural light is best in the daytime if you can do it. We just want everyone to really be able to see who’s talking and the quality will turn out much better

Jak Angelescu

Well depending on how many people submit I would like to try to keep it from 10 to 15 seconds. But if you’d like to give a longer testimony, I have an editing technique where I can pick and choose things that really stand out. But try not to go over 25 seconds for sure.

Jak Angelescu

Doing improvs is great, but I really hope some people actually submit videos of them talking about how the school has helped them and has helped them improve. Just showing improvs isn’t informing people how the school has helped you improve or what the school is actually like. So don’t be camera shy! You don’t even have to talk for 10 seconds if you don’t want to. You can just say something simple like “it’s amazing I’m so glad I joined!”