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Our Music Is Finally Here!!


Jak Angelescu

YESSSSSS!!! I've never been so excited for a release!!! You guys have absolutely smashed it, the track sounds so BADASS and you worked so damn hard to make it happen!! It was an honour to work with you guys for the art and font, I absolutely LOVED the process!! Love you guys so much! 🤘 💀 🤘

Millie, it has been the greatest pleasure in the world working with you! As we said before this is only the beginning! So happy to be working with you. You're such an insanely talented young lady and we're both honored to be your "first clients". :) Love you!
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Jak Angelescu

Yesssss!!!! Congratulations to ypu ladies. That song kicks ass!!! THAT RIFF!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear even more of your music!!!! You are are a true inspiration🖤🖤 so fucking proud of you!!! (And congrats to the rest of the team!! And amazing team work for sure!!)
OOOMMMGGGG Thank you so much Ari! The fact that so many people have been so supportive truly blows our mind. We thought it was really good. But after hearing so many others like it SO much has been a lot to take in for sure! We've had some good criticism we're going to be taking into account for the next track for sure :) Love you!
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Jak Angelescu

BADASS, MASTERPIECE!! literally i LOVED it. if the single was so perfect, the album will be INSANE, for sure. can’t wait to listen to it. i’m so proud of you, my biggest congratulations.🖤🖤🖤
I really really REALLY am so happy to hear that. Everyone's opinions mean a lot to me here. And you and Ari are some of my dearest friends so I'm so glad to hear that. I really hope you like the full album! Love you so much, Queen B!
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Jak Angelescu

It was a long way, but it was worth it! You just started living your dream and with an absolute Killer single. If this is a sign of how a whole Album from you Ladies will sound, then I am EXCITED:explode-skull:
Dominik I have known you now for almost 4 years. And you are seriously like a fucking brother to me. My little shithead brother that I love it when we pick on each other. Thank you so much for giving me a length description through my IG messages of why my "song sucks so badly." :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Thank you so much for watching me grow, being there for me, and being a great part in my author chapter of my life. I know I hate you, but I also sorta love you....
Like.... alot :)
And I believe in you. Like.... even more :)

Jak Angelescu

CONGRATS!! i loved the song!! soo happy for all of you Ladies!! 🤘 🤘 🤘 ❤️
We need to dub you the official Synyster Gates School Cheerleader :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: no matter what it is anyone is doing, being the IG pages, people's riffs, or just leaving kind comments on posts and following the students or supporting their music, you, my dear girl, are a fucking big pile of gold. And I love you so much. I'm so glad you liked the song!
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Jak Angelescu

Congrats on making your dream come true! It has been so inspiring and encouraging to follow you and the band. It makes me, as just a tiny beginner, feel like writing and making your own music is actually obtainable ♥️🤘
I tell you what, you are doing EXACTLY what you need to be doing to get anywhere in your life. I see you posting a LOT. I see you focusing, trying, uploading, engaging. Just become obsessed with anything you want to do in life. As I said in my original post, it took @Alicia Willis nipping us in the ass and boy did we fucking work our asses off after that. Anytime I started bragging about Bill on my stories too much, she'd message me and say "Hey, how about a new post for your band?" It quickly made me realize I was putting my attention into the wrong things. Put your attention into the right thing, and it'll happen quicker than you can ever imagine. It did for us :)
I love you so much. I haven't known you that long but I don't need to. I can tell you're a very genuine amazing person. Thank you so much for your support and your friendship. I look forward to watching you knock walls down😎😎
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Jak Angelescu

Congrats, J & H!
What a fun song! Great production and playing! The secret to a 6 minute song is to have a few surprises. Verse, chorus, solo, etc. is not enough to keep the listener engaged for 6 minutes.
This has a wonderful breakdown at 2:20 with some triplets and interesting rhythms. Then at 2:50 more changes with some "clean" sounds to cut through and change the texture completely. Love the scream at 3:15 that launches you into a great solo. Lots of interesting techniques combined to make a super-tasty solo that TOTALLY fits the song (which I know I have talked about a lot. Don't betray the feel of your song with a bunch of notes).
The middle section is a very satisfying musical departure from the first 2 minutes of the song. And now we're ready for another verse & chorus.
The note choices on your solo at 4:50 are inspired. Dark and "out". Those first few notes make a very advanced musical statement. A beginner or decent player would NEVER choose those notes. Goosebump moment.
After that, you could have just ridden the wave and faded out, but instead you added some dark voices and then a total breakdown - long chords with spoken word at the end. Very effective. Like a 6 minute movie. A definite beginning, middle, and end.
This song did not happen by accident. It did not write itself and it did not play itself. Some serious care and work went into this. There is a shit-ton going on in this 6 minutes. I listened to it 3 times on my computer and heard something new each time. So I listened a 4th time in the studio on good speakers.
Just. Wow!
Stellar performances and production.
So proud of you - and this is just the beginning!!!!
PAAAAPPAAAAA!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 I am so glad that you enjoyed the first solo section. I was batting it back and forth with Bill because after so many private lessons, I asked him, "I really am worried. I think I can do better. I think I want to rerecord it. Can you listen to it and give me your feedback?" After he listened to it, he said "There's a difference between doing MORE and doing BETTER. You're thinking you need to do MORE, because what you have is just fine. You don't need to do BETTER." The fact that you said it kept you engaged makes me super happy, and especially comparing it to a movie because that's exactly what we were going for. The whole concept of the song is talking about someone's journey through purgatory after committing suicide and the emotions that the soul may feel. And yes, you're 100000% right. This song's main riff started when we lived in Boston almost 12 years ago. Each year we improved and we kept adding so much to it. I tell you what, the outro solo was 100000% completely inspired by Synyster Gates and the guitar work in Black Mages "One Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy Advent Children. The moment I got Anubis I started butchering everything and seeing what could be better. I knew the intro needed some color of some guitar work that grabbed people's ear. And there's no better way to do that than with a dive bomb😂😂 I love that guitar's growl. And when Syn did it on Mad Hatter I knew I had to totally yank it too. So when we were discussing what we wanted in production notes, he said "Nick needs to know how you want everything to sound." I said, "Give me a Mad Hatter dive bomb and I'm happy." He laughed of course, and I got exactly what I wanted. I love you so much. You and your son have taught me so much about what it takes to not only write a song, but record and produce one. I love you so much! Thank you for liking it and listening to it!

Jak Angelescu

If this isn’t a testament to how extraordinary this school is, then I don’t know what is.
We have all watched you grow and blossom along your journey, and this is just the beginning!
The single was well worth the wait and honestly has most of us craving more ! Well done Jak & Holly !
To think it all started with this school ! I hope the big guys truly see the impact they’ve had on so many people ! 🤘🏻
It definitely did start with the school. And everyone's support helped so much. I love you, Queen Peach. I can't tell you that enough. No one knows what you've done for me in this last year. I just hope you do :)
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Jak Angelescu

hahah that picture is huge

It sounds nice Jak, I only heard a small part though from the link, I might have to sign up. Sounds like a lot of work, I want to be in a band too and probably have to make my own. That's a lot of stuff you mentioned I'd have to think about. Great work :D
I love you man! Thank you so much! Go get it! It is a FUCK ton of work. I tell everyone "Bill has shown me just how much work it really takes. But boy is it worth it!"
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Jak Angelescu

You know, when you spend forever hyping something, the end result needs to blow away all expectations, including some pretty inflated ones. You guys succeeded, where Chinese Democracy fell short.

Yeah, I said it. Y'all did better than Axl. So much meat in this song - fantastic writing, performance, arrangement, and it just SOUNDS massive. I love it, huge congratulations!!!
Thanks so much and that is a fucking HUGE compliment haha! And thank you for your honest email as well :) Some things have definitely been taken to heart. Thank you for looking after me and being like a second dad to me for the last four years. I know I've clawed at your face a few times but deep down inside I love you like hell and am so glad I know you. You and @Alicia Willis and everyone else who helped will be happy to know...
We started our second song on the new interface 😎

Muz Malek

Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
I know many of you follow me on my Instagram page or even my band's page, so you all already know. But for those of you who don't... here's a brief story:

Almost 4 years ago I signed up on this school, and I was pretty shitty but I had one big goal in mind, and that was to release music and improve on guitar. As my penchant for improving on this school came, I made a fuck ton of friends along the way. My guitar skills grew, these friendships grew, and many of you donated to help with my studio time. A lot of shit got in the way like blizzards closing roads down, a pandemic, not being able to find a drummer, engineer getting sick multiple times, not being able to find a male singer, and so much more.
Through all of this, you guys continued to believe in me, my singer, our band and our vision. Not once did I get a snarky message like "Come on it's been long enough". You all understood and still supported.
@Alicia Willis ,there was one night you messaged me after I promoted Bill's newest masterclass thing and you said "Hey honey, your followers haven't had an update in 3 months. When are you going to put that energy into your band?"
We took your words to heart, and not even two months later we found a producer, got our male singer, I handed the reigns of being an admin to you, focused like a fucking mad lady, hired an artwork team, got logo and merch designs done and released our single.
I guess you could say, speaking on my own behalf, is that when you messaged me that I realized people DID actually care and were still waiting. Believe me, when people believe in you, you work 10000x harder.

If you haven't heard yet, our newest single "Purgatory" is out on all major platforms now.

Also, my band's instagram is https://www.instagram.com/officialunknownband/ if you care to give a follow for our future releases :)

There are a few people I'd like to personally thank...

@Brian Haner Sr. - I texted you but I'm still saying it here. From the moment you told me to change how I held the pick all the way up the night you hung out with my singer and I and talked music for hours, you have helped us so much. Thank you for watching over us and believing in us

@Syn Gates - You and your dad both for launching this site. This literally was where our dream and goal could finally take off. It's weird looking back at the journey I've had on your school and where I am now. Thank you for your encouraging talks, your wisdom, being a great friend and believing in us and for setting us up with Nick.

@Millie Imber - You worked like a fucking MAD lady taking photography shots, staying up all hours of the night discussing artwork/logo/font design with us and working so amazingly with the other girls on the creative team. You helped bring our vision to life more than we ever thought. Love you so much!

@Kye Feher - For being a crazy lady and getting down and dirty for the most insane shots! Also for believing in us, being such a huge fan and a great friend. And for taking the golden shot for our upcoming t-shirt design! You have been true since day one. So glad to have you on our creative team!

@RoaringRowanThunderBender - You have been so supportive with our endeavors. And we can't thank you enough for joining in with the other girls and being our website designer and MY personal assistant through all of this craziness. I love you so much, and we look forward to working with you intensely in the future!

Also to all who donated, and shared our progress, showed support and never gave up. We love you guys. Here's to the future....

If I can do it... you can do it.

~Jak Angelescu
Have been spamming it on replay so much that I forgot to drop a comment here! That's how awesome the song is!!!
Nice to hear some fresh stuff in recent months ;) Keep it going and I'm definitely, definitely looking forward to more stuff from you and your band!
Reserve the front row for me, will ya? ;) :rock-hand:

-Muz Malek
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Donovan Etue

Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Washington State
    Glad to finally hear some of what you guys have been up to! I've listened to it several times already! With a pair of cheaper earbuds, a nice "studio quality" headphones, and in my car! Gotta say it sounded great on all three! The guitar tone was awesome, the drums were nice and thumpy but not loose. Holly's voice sounded warm and were placed just right in the mix. What amp/s were used? The riffs were tasty, the solos were fitting and unique, and Holly's vocals were on point! This was the first time I've heard her sing and damn! That certainly made an awesome impression! I've even gone as far as using my ear to figure out a few of the riffs through out the song which has made for a fun afternoon of ear training practice. I really like the album artwork/band logo as well! Easy to read but it looks ominous! Well done to whoever it was that came up with it! Looking forward to what Иnkown is up to next!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Sep 19, 2020
    Congrats, J & H!
    What a fun song! Great production and playing! The secret to a 6 minute song is to have a few surprises. Verse, chorus, solo, etc. is not enough to keep the listener engaged for 6 minutes.
    This has a wonderful breakdown at 2:20 with some triplets and interesting rhythms. Then at 2:50 more changes with some "clean" sounds to cut through and change the texture completely. Love the scream at 3:15 that launches you into a great solo. Lots of interesting techniques combined to make a super-tasty solo that TOTALLY fits the song (which I know I have talked about a lot. Don't betray the feel of your song with a bunch of notes).
    The middle section is a very satisfying musical departure from the first 2 minutes of the song. And now we're ready for another verse & chorus.
    The note choices on your solo at 4:50 are inspired. Dark and "out". Those first few notes make a very advanced musical statement. A beginner or decent player would NEVER choose those notes. Goosebump moment.
    After that, you could have just ridden the wave and faded out, but instead you added some dark voices and then a total breakdown - long chords with spoken word at the end. Very effective. Like a 6 minute movie. A definite beginning, middle, and end.
    This song did not happen by accident. It did not write itself and it did not play itself. Some serious care and work went into this. There is a shit-ton going on in this 6 minutes. I listened to it 3 times on my computer and heard something new each time. So I listened a 4th time in the studio on good speakers.
    Just. Wow!
    Stellar performances and production.
    So proud of you - and this is just the beginning!!!!
    Totally agree with PG!!😎🤘 totally amazing, a masterpiece and this is JUST the beginning. what a great career you have ahead!


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Sep 19, 2020
    I really really REALLY am so happy to hear that. Everyone's opinions mean a lot to me here. And you and Ari are some of my dearest friends so I'm so glad to hear that. I really hope you like the full album! Love you so much, Queen B!
    i’m sure i’m going to LOVE the whole album!! and you’re welcome, Queen Cat 🖤🤘 love you too <3