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A returning amatuer…its been a while.

Isaiah Honesto

Local Dive Bar Favorite
Nov 11, 2019
I first posted here a long time ago,stating how nervous i was to post my first cover. Now i have 5 covers up that I’m proud of,and i don’t plan on stopping.But i still feel the nervousness i used to.my friends keep telling me that my playing is “amazing” and “impressive” which i love them to death for,but i know that here is where I’ll receive my best criticism,so I’d like to post my first cover,and one of my more recent ones to show the progress I’ve made while i was away.First up is the cover that started it all,Unholy Confessions.This was my first time recording and editing a video like this,so i wouldn’t be surprised if the song isn’t synced up well enough to the video,but i tried my best.The link can be found here->https://youtu.be/G7YJhw4lExk
Next up is a cover of one of my favorite slipknot songs,and i really enjoyed making this one.I had to practice for a while to be able to play the opening riff comfortably,and im glad i took the time to hone my technique.
The link can be found here->https://youtu.be/7klQOj4GbaU
I ask you all to follow me as i continue to post here,now that the riff system (appears) to be working,and please check out my other videos and give me feedback.I love all of you and i can’t wait to grow with you guys.
Thank you.

Syn Gates

Staff member
Sep 18, 2019
Huntington Beach
Yo Isaiah. Great work brother I think that you’re well on your way. Maybe Jak can weigh in on this- I think you should check out some YouTube vids of us playing Unholy live. There are a few things you missed like the harmonies in the verses. The pinched harmonic in the pre chorus is on on the D string 6th fret. YT has a slow down feature(correct Jak?) and can be super helpful from my understanding to identify exactly how a piece of music is executed.
I hope I’m not bringin ya down my friend, you really are kickin ass. There’s always something to work on, I notice shit all the time that needs improvement when I watch a live performance on YT or Insta. A lot of times my bends and vibrato are slightly out of tune and I just don’t hear it while I’m playing. It bums me out because I feel like I have a pretty good ear, there’s just a disconnect when I’m playing that’s hard to identify.
Anyways, perfect practice makes perfect and everyone here can help you with that. Thanks for sharing, I know it’s not easy to put your heart out on the line for others to judge and critique but it’s 100% necessary for growth.
Much love

Isaiah Honesto

Local Dive Bar Favorite
Nov 11, 2019
Thank you so much! I actually had a decent bit of trouble with the harmonic because the tabs i used didn’t seem quite right,so i used other people’s covers to try and find where the harmonic was,and i just used what sounded closest to me.It’s been so long since i recorded this,I’m seriously considering re-recording it in the future to nail the small details like that.Also trust me,your reply did not put me down in any way,I’m extremely happy to show you this,and I’m very glad you could point out some mistakes i made.Once again,thank you so much!


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
You’re doing pretty great! I’m not really familiar with that Slipknot song But it seems like the guitar you play along to does a gallop type thing while you’re doing even notes. I’m not whether it should be like that but gallops are pretty common in metal so maybe try to practice on those for a bit.
Syn is correct you can slow down videos on YouTube without changing the pitch.
Synner Endless Summer Collection