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Acoustic question

Matt Wildman

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Liberty IN
Well I didn’t watch the tuning lesson but a tuning app on your phone or something would help with knowing when to stop cranking the tuning pegs(the pressure of the strings) an app like that would tell you when you are in tune so I would recommend that. As for the muting sound, I’m not quite sure what you mean by that but it could be the string isn’t tight enough over the neck and is making it sound low and muted? Maybe. Could you elaborate on that muted sound a bit more?

Gene Sullivan

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
How close is your finger to the fret wire? If it’s too close, it can dampen the sound. Maybe back your finger off the fret a bit and see how it sounds. As for pressure, you want enough to make the note sound cleanly, but you don’t want to mash your finger too hard against the fretboard. That can pull the note sharp or cause buzz.


Garage band Groupie
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Matt> I should’ve said dampened :). When I press on the string, it sounds muted, for lack of a better word. I haven’t played long enough (just started), to know how hard to press on the strings. For tuning, I have a KORG tuner…will that work? PG mentioned a tuner that goes on the guitar, too…thoughts?
    Gene> My finger is usually pressed to the fret board, I think is how to explain it. So maybe I should press less hard?
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Matt Wildman

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Liberty IN
    Alrighty yep i gotcha kelly. Yea korg tuners are good I think. I haven’t used them, but the tuners that actually go on the guitar(the headstock) I think are the most accurate when it comes to tuning. Snark tuners are a good brand for that. But really any brand would work that’s just what I use, good luck man

    Gene Sullivan

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    How much contact your finger makes with the fretboard depends on how high the action is, and how high the frets are, so it’s reasonable for there to be contact. I would suggest trying for a gentler touch, and see how it sounds.
    How high is the action on your acoustic? Have you had anybody adjust the action or check the neck? You may not be doing anything wrong, it may just be that the truss rod needs adjusting, or the frets are worn.

    Anna Ilicheva

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    Can I ask a question in this topic? Don’t want to create a billion of acoustic related topics)
    QUESTION: when I put my finger off a string it creates an unwanted sound (a note) that interrupts the melody. Is it because I apply wrong amount of pressure or play too slow?
    I’m a complete beginner, so I play like I have 5 thumbs 😀
    Thank you!

    Jen Hapke

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    I assume you somehow pull the string while putting your finger off.
    Try to put your finger vertically off the fretbord and not parallel.
    If this doesn’t work it would be interesting to see a video. Then we can probably see what creates the sound.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection