Here is some a advice for beginners hope this helps. So I was thinking about when it was started playing guitar and how hard it was for me that was about three years ago in February of 2015 because I knew nothing about guitar and how to play I didn’t even know how to play on a fret I did not know if you where supposed to press on the metal part or not haha. But I did not give up on it by 6 to 8 month’s of playing I finally figured out a lot of things about guitar it was great.but I figured out I did not play as clean as I wanted to I started working on that and got better then I felt stuck for awhile then I started learning more then got stuck then I found this website it’s so great I’m learning so much I was learning sweep picking before this website and I could not get it down then I watched the videos and I figured it out. So what I want to say to beginning guitar players don’t give up it gets a lot better. Stay focused and be the best guitar player you can be if you see someone doing something you can’t try to learn it and get as good as that person I’m no where near a great player I’m also self taught to play but I can say I know a lot more then I started playing guitar also if playing guitar is your dream don’t give up on it. So overall I hope I helped you beginning guitar players and I hope Syn or Brain sees this and comments on if they think this is good advice. So yeah again I hope this helps