Damn!!! TRUTH!! Ya so details to come but the vision is simple- to make an analog home base for ultimate customization. What most people(myself included before some minor education) don’t realize is that gain channels can easily be accomplished via good stomp boxes.
Some of my fav tones have been accomplished by sticking a rad distortion pedal in the fx loop of a rad amp.
As Fractal and others have democratized studio quality guitar tone in a small box, successfully i might add, I’m hoping to do this in a more traditional sense with tubes, power, and a rad fuckin speaker(shall be custom as well

This is an alternative btw, not a cash grab. I use Fractal, my Hellwin, and This new freak show as well as others. This should be an addition to the arsenal but if you are considering this as your first move into building an arsenal, I’d recommend you wait til there are a few YouTube vids showing you what this shit sounds like. YOU NEED A DISTORTION PEDAL.
My biggest selling point- The guts of this beast are to support a legion of gain solutions rather than building something that sounds perfect for one gain solution.
My smallest selling point- The head detaches but it carries in its entirety as a combo amp. Simply put, It’s a fucking combo amp. It’s small but you can remove the head so it can live with you in the control room of the studio or at the front of the stage at a gig where it can power your pedals. Yes it has pedal power in the back of the head. No I’m not a genius but my friend Nick Fainbarg is, look him up. The transparency of tone with capacity of next level power will support ANY gain preference that your gigantic heart desires.
I’ve found that great high gain popular amps, do NOT support customization in an era where Kemper and Fractal are taking over and rightfully so.
Again, this is not a replacement, this is a solution for myself and my needs that I feel will serve a lot of fuckin players. Again AND again, DO NOT BUY WITHOUT DOING YOUR RESEARCH, I DO NOT WANT YOUR MONEY, ONLY YOUR HAPPINESS SO DO NOT LET YOURSELF DOWN!