As I'm sure you know by now, this technique takes quite a while and you may not see the results you want even within a few months time. This is one of those things where you can't really take shortcuts, you just gotta put in your time. As much as it may suck, you really need to practice it slowly with a metronome, or you'll end up with half baked sweeps that you can only distinguish the first and last notes with noise in between (I'm guilty of this). I would say to master the 3 string major and minor shapes on only the G, B, and E strings first. Maybe even the diminished shape if you're feeling daring. Then you can move on to the more advanced 5 string sweeps and the different positions you can do those in. Putting in the time and working slowly to really get it down is the best advice, and most obvious, that you'll probably get. There's really no hack for it.