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Avenged sevenfold play through with tabs and backingtracks


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
I'm not sure whether there already are plans for playthroughs/tutorials for avenged sevenfold songs/sections.

as most of you (hopefully) know I have started doing play throughs with tabs using soundslice of songs from my list of songs and let you guys vote for which songs you would like to have a harmony analysis and playthrough/tutorial. When I did polls to decide which song I would analyze Avenged would almost by default win so I figured Instead of putting those in a poll later down the line I could list all the Avenged songs from my list and ask you guys which section you would like a playthrough with tabs and a backingtrack for(I'm not gonna do full songs for this because vocals you know 😅)

The avenged songs I'll be doing down the line are:

Sunny Disposition
God Damn
The Stage
Critical Acclaim
Second Heartbeat
Hail To The King
Welcome To The Family
Coming Home
Bat Country
Creating God
Fermi Paradox
Acid Rain
Save Me
A LIttle Piece Of Heaven

For what sections in these songs would you like to see a playthrough with tabs and backingtracks?
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