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Being Back On The Site...

  • Thread starter TheRedMageGuitarist
  • Start date


Hey everyone! I just wanted to give a bit of a warning going forward, and I know not everyone will see this but I'm putting this disclaimer up, and maybe the mods or admins can chime in about this....

One of the reasons why I stopped giving feedback is the emotionally charged bag of excuses and ego trip-based responses I'd get in return. No matter how nicely I'd put things or how many great things I'd say, I'd still get excuses and defensive responses. Not everyone did this, but it started to get to where I wanted to say "Fine, fuck it. Keep making mistakes then." And I started to feel like it was a waste of my time. So if you post up a riff, EXPECT CRITICISM IN SOME WAY FROM ME. You can't handle the things I say? I don't care. Suck it up. You're going to hear it anyway. I've never been rude to anyone on here and after having so many private lessons and even spending a hell of a lot of time on another school, I have learned so much that I can't wait to share it with you all.

Now I'm not saying I'm going to be a bitch. And there's a time and a place for criticism. Like if you're clearly a beginner and you're working hard and fumbling through something, or if you've learned something TRULY difficult, you'll just get a big sense of praise from me. But if I can tell you're a seasoned player and there's just some minute tweaks I see you could do, or if you really need help, I'll speak up.

Anyway, if I ever come off abrasive, know that I really don't mean it. I just got fed up with sugar coating things and still having people getting emotional and stepping on my face. So there you have it. If Captain Ed can take my criticism on the chin, you can too.

The End.

Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    What Jaime said !

    I do agree though that a lot of people would in fact get defensive when critiques were made, and I honestly think that is a big reason that many people here on the site stopped doing it. Also, I'll note that I have seen fewer and fewer videos of people specifically posting videos for help. Back in the day I used to post almost weekly some random technique or something I was working on and couldn't quite get and post up a video explaining where I was having the trouble and demonstrating what I was doing. Videos like that make it even easier to give feedback. I would love to see more videos like that going forward, for those who truly do want critiques and help.

    Chris Johnston

    Music Theory Bragger
  • Nov 11, 2019
    North Ayrshire, Scotland
    Well said Jak, constructive criticism is the way Some of the most pivotal moments in my Guitar development was where someone took me to the side and was like 'that's great, but try this'. If I'd taken these things personally my playing would be about 20% of what it is today and I'd be running blind. The important lessons you learn on the instrument are rarely ever comfortable & you'll always feel like you want to protest them, but it's key to listen to advice.

    For anyone reading that's slightly intimidated about the idea of posting a riff and getting critique, (which admittedly I can be also) - Every comment is a free tool to use to improve your playing & a sign that those around you care about your development take it when it's there and you'll be saving valuable time coming to the conclusions on your own! or worse - never reaching the conclusions

    Embrace the criticism

    Kat the metalhead

    Music Theory Bragger
  • Jan 20, 2020
    Ontario Canada
    Constructive criticism is was keeps me going and playing, if it wasn’t for you telling me the honest truth on my bat country solo I wouldn’t have the guts to relearn it!

    I think the thing is we all gotta remember when giving constructive criticism is not to get mad or butt hurt when the person your trying to help mouths off or gets mad. We can’t control how they feel or take advice.

    you were just trying to help and be honest at the end of the day you did nothing wrong and shouldn’t feel mad or annoyed that someone got upset it may hurt that your not being heard but it’s not your fault at all! Just move on and fuck them lol we all got better things to do haha

    that last part was a tad harsh but you know what I mean

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    I always welcome your comments you always find something someone can work on. My playing has gotten much better because of that.

    If people dont like your comments ignoring is pretty easy but I highly advise you take what she says into consideration.