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Changing picking style for different techniques

Ben Thorpe

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I have found that I hold my pick two different ways depending on what picking technique I’m doing. For example, when I’m tremolo picking or doing fast down picking I grip the pick with my finger and thumb and extend my other three fingers (kind of like a wierd cub scout salute), whereas with other techniques I curve all my fingers inwards with my pinkie being used as an anchor underneath the high e string like Syn does. Is this normal or necessary, or does anybody hold their pick one way no matter what technique they’re doing? Is this a bad habbit?

Dan Shipway

Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Personal preference, if you have never had a problem don’t let people try and tell you its wrong, the time to stop and think is if it is making playing uncomfortable or giving you grief. I pick with my fingers stretched for rhythm and curled for Anything and I mean ANYTHING that requires single notes or arpeggios. I also play flat picked or very very slightly tilted as I primarily economy pick. It definitely does change on style but you are not doing anything wrong.

    Jak Angelescu

    I couldn’t agree with Dan anymore. It’s funny that you brought this up because I actually was just thinking about this today during my practice session. I notice that Syn anchors his pinky a lot and I tried that. It completely sounded horrible because my fingers aren’t long enough to do that for anything lol ! I have had some people tell me that the way I hold my right hand is really weird. But it’s what works for me. I think as long as you are not Having any type of pain you should be OK there are some ways that when you pick something it could be holding you back. But I think we should all keep in mind economy of motion 1st and foremost. As long as the way you are holding your pick is the most efficient way for you then it shouldn’t be a problem I’m glad you posted this like I said because I was wondering about the same thing today!!

    Noah Berends

    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Fort Wayne, IN
    I’ve got two different picking styles as well. One’s better for what I use it for than the other. This is totally normal and okay. Check out Stevie T’s video on weird picking techniques. A bunch of super successful guitarists but they all have really abnormal techniques.

    Richard O'connor

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Birmingham, England.
    I do the same. I only found out there was a different (or correct) way to hold the pick when I came to this site. When I’m tremolo picking, strumming I hold the pick with my index and thumb. I find this much easier for speed picking as u can angle the pick a little. For economy picking and sweeping however I hold my pick like syn. To be honest I would say it’s probably easier to just get comfortable with one technique and stick to it, but I’m happy with what I do and can’t see too much wrong with it. Do what ever you are comfortable with.