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Chord Progressions notation QUESTIONS!!!

Vasrely Derian

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
From my understanding.
If a progression is in Major: The chord pattern notation thing goes like I ii ii IV V vi vii°
As for a progression in Minor: The chord pattern notation thing goes like i ii° III iv v VI VII
Capital Roman Numerals = Major Chords
lowercase Roman Numerals = Minor Chords
Roman Numerals with Degrees° = Diminished
My questions.
1. How will it be written out for Augmented Chords?
2. How will it be written out for chords like sixth and seventh chords, suspended etc. that aren’t the regular Maj, Min, Dim and Aug triad?
3. Anything else I missed that I SHOULD know?
Please correct me if I have wrong information.

Christopher Lonski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Yes, augmented chords are a “+”, half diminished aka minor7b5 are notated with that diminished circle and a line through it diagonally.
You can notate chords in lots of ways some times people just notate the tonic and quality like Bb min maj7(Bb minor with a major 7th)
With the Roman numeral system, which I think is the better way to learn chord progressions since its universal across different keys and really let’s you hear the effect of a chord or progressions in terms of how it functions in the key center, the roman numeral signifies the scale degree, so if you’re in C Major a “ii” is D minor or a “biim7” would be a Db minor 7.
It’s kinda difficult to go over all the chord possibilities like a i6 is actually a minor 1 chord with a major 6 because a minor 6th would actually turn it into a major 7 chord. For instance D minor with b6 is D F A Bb, but if you move that Bb to the front its Bb D F A, so it ends up sounding like Bb Maj7. Or with 13 chords, its implied that the 11 is omitted (although all the rules are meant to be broken) so it’s spelled 1 3 5 7 9 13or any combo of those. I’ll try to find a good resource for this stuff and post it. For now, here is the wikipedia page for it, which for the record, wikipedia has a lot of GREAT and thorough articles on music theory.
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