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difficulty changing picking techniques

Dan Shipway

Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hi, I have been finding recently that I have had issues with picking hand when doing fast picking (mainly rhythm playing and more specifically triplets) but it is very prominent when switching between techniques such as downstrokes to alternate picking or between large strums and tighter chugs. For whatever reason my wrist tenses up and I struggle to keep it loose but not lose precision. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    In all honestly when I go to SRV style picking to accurate alternate picking, economy picking it's sweep picking I like to put a legato/hammer on/pull off but in between to adjust my picking hand a little bit but that's only when it's two complete different style of music.

    In any other case it was fully from practice and not so much a specific trick. Try for example the alternate picking + sweep picking lick in afterlife.

    Dan Shipway

    Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Wow, these are ll such great tips, I think practicing and wrist angle will be crucial. If I get time I will post a video of my playing as I feel it may also be of benefit when analysing where improvements could be made. In the meantime I will try to find songs as well as afterlife to try and practice the technique in context! Thanks guys!
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    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Nov 16, 2020
    Hi, I have been finding recently that I have had issues with picking hand when doing fast picking (mainly rhythm playing and more specifically triplets) but it is very prominent when switching between techniques such as downstrokes to alternate picking or between large strums and tighter chugs. For whatever reason my wrist tenses up and I struggle to keep it loose but not lose precision. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
    Lower your pick. You don't want the sharp end barely touching the string. Speed picking should involve more of a smooth pushing motion (like a lawnmower) than a plucking motion.
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    William B.

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Tik-Tok lesson 11

    This one might help
    I think you got to use a metronome and use a comfortable speed for triplets, than slowly/comfortably change between speeds.
    Try different things like quarter notes for 2 measures than switch to triplets and back 'n' forth. Been working on it every other day trying to tap my foot, it's not going too good yet. GL! :lightning-guitar-pick:

    Dan Shipway

    Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Thanks! I think one of the issues that I have failed to neglect is tension in my wrist and arm. Its been something that has been halting my progress and although I have been playing for 10 years, it has been a constant setback that has stopped that time being productive. A lot of my issues seem to be with arm positioning as I get quite a lot of tension in my shoulder and upper arm (when the guitar is placed on my right leg) and quite a bit of wrist tension on upstrokes. Any information sources are greatly appreciated

    William B.

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Thanks! I think one of the issues that I have failed to neglect is tension in my wrist and arm. Its been something that has been halting my progress and although I have been playing for 10 years, it has been a constant setback that has stopped that time being productive. A lot of my issues seem to be with arm positioning as I get quite a lot of tension in my shoulder and upper arm (when the guitar is placed on my right leg) and quite a bit of wrist tension on upstrokes. Any information sources are greatly appreciated
    In classical guitar they teach you to put the guitar on the opposite leg of the picking hand and also raise it slightly with a step or something. They teach stance first I think as it's important not to develop damage overtime to the body. I only read a little about it out of curiosity. I got some trouble too but it's been getting better after giving it more attention. It might be that in that position you let your arm hang and tense by the shoulder with an arc over the guitar for long periods. Still working it out myself :explode-skull:
    Might be wrong about the classical guitar order of teachings

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Thanks! I think one of the issues that I have failed to neglect is tension in my wrist and arm. Its been something that has been halting my progress and although I have been playing for 10 years, it has been a constant setback that has stopped that time being productive. A lot of my issues seem to be with arm positioning as I get quite a lot of tension in my shoulder and upper arm (when the guitar is placed on my right leg) and quite a bit of wrist tension on upstrokes. Any information sources are greatly appreciated
    Can't be tense anywhere. It's a sign of nerves honestly. You're not confident enough. Eventually you have to just tell yourself you can do this. And just rake. It starts off sloppy but eventually you will learn how to mute as you rake.

    I used to rest my wrist constantly on the bridge or just by it so I definitely used that to my advantage an started muting strings instead. Eventually your wrist builds the muscle and you have an easier job I doing it. But you can't start off too slow or you'll pick over sweeping. I had that issue I went too slow. If you don't like the sloppy sound you can always wrap the strings with a cloth like you're tapping. But I like the challenge and sometimes I can add in the sloppy pull off or strum into the melody. Makes it sound more unique. My early recordings you hear it a lot but lately I've definitely noticed more muting. More define sweeps.

    This was a 3 year process.


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 17, 2019
    Portugal/Manchester UK
    I struggle quite a bit with that too, even more if im playing sitting down or standing. I realized that one day playing a fast tremolo picking lick, when I tried to play standing up it wasnt happening at all and I could play that so easely, so I tried to adjust some stuff, ended up adjusting the angle of the pick and do less wrist movement and more forearm movement, probably not a perfect tecnique but it does the job xD
    Now I dont even think about it my hand and arm adjusts straight away depending how Im playing.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection