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Extreme improv Challenge 👺👺👹👹😱😱


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
I had an idea just now and I figured maybe some other people would like to participate too.

Basically the general idea is that you randomly pick a backingtrack from one of the lessons on the school everyday and improv over it(I mean it's a bit lenient so if you miss a day because you're busy it isn't a big day) and post it on the riff page. Personally I'll probably write a python script for it(yes, I'm that kind of nerd).

Improvising over backingtracks is a great tool to boost you musicality and it's fun and the best part is that this doesn't have to take anymore than 30 minutes out of your day!

so who's in?

Chris Johnston

Music Theory Bragger
  • Nov 11, 2019
    North Ayrshire, Scotland
    I had an idea just now and I figured maybe some other people would like to participate too.

    Basically the general idea is that you randomly pick a backingtrack from one of the lessons on the school everyday and improv over it(I mean it's a bit lenient so if you miss a day because you're busy it isn't a big day) and post it on the riff page. Personally I'll probably write a python script for it(yes, I'm that kind of nerd).

    Improvising over backingtracks is a great tool to boost you musicality and it's fun and the best part is that this doesn't have to take anymore than 30 minutes out of your day!

    so who's in?
    If I can remember to keep up to date with it I'd be down for it! 🤟
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    Reactions: idssdi and Ed Seith
    Synner Endless Summer Collection
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    guys, define improve please. Are we going to do like 5-10 minutes warmup over the track than press record? for 2 minutes of bliss? that's what i'm gonna do
    In principle you press record the first time you play over it. Of course get to know the chord present in the progression but for me personally taking 5-10 minutes to warm up is like writing a solo instead of improvising
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Chris Johnston

    Music Theory Bragger
  • Nov 11, 2019
    North Ayrshire, Scotland

    This is my take - very rough around the edges but it was a fun challenge! (ft. my cat, Crowley)

    I've noticed my camera/recording fear really interferes with my flow with these, so things start to get more natural feeling towards the end of the improv - if only people could hear the tempo of my heartbeat during recording haha!
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