Welcome to the family ! I see you’ve gotten a lot of great advice.
i think the biggest take away is to get the guitar that’s going to be able to make the music you want to hear, also, one that you like the looks of. Honestly, If you like the way it looks you’re more apt to pick it up and practice.
I play both electric and acoustic, and electric is in fact easier to play. The strings are lighter, the neck is typically smaller and easier to make chords on etc.
Also, as a beginner I highly recommend going into a shop and feeling the guitars ! Not every neck is the same. You should find what feels comfortable in your hands.
As Donovan mentioned, I would definitely don’t get a guitar with a Floyd Rose....they are a pain in the ass ! Hardtails are great. Tremolo bridges (like you’ll find on most Fenders) are okay, not very difficult to change strings on, but if you want to drop tune you might have some tuning issues.
oh ! And almost forgot ! Make sure you get yourself a good guitar tuner !
can’t wait to see what you decide on !
Hi Alicia! And congratulations on the win! This is awesome
I have given up on the idea of buying online, I will go into a shop and try them then, see how it feels and which wand will choose me ^^
I loved the informed responses here, though my head was spinning with all the technical words and elements and knowledge. So much to learn but this is so exciting.
I will post my find in here. Hopefully I get something this weekend.