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Favorite Syn Solo

Joe Giumarello

Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
Nov 11, 2019
New Jersey
Wow that’s a hard question. There are so many great ones. I’m always changing my favorite but as of right now it’s paradigm. I think the minor arpeggio with the chromatics is so cool and he goes into that string skip and legato run with a sweep/ tapping combo. Then after the pause it just has a great groove to the rest of it.

Cody Sauser

One Stringer
Nov 11, 2019
Man what a tough question. well i cant pick just one so im gonna name a few. The wicked end for how unique it is, second heartbeat for the pure shred, the middle solo in fermi paradox paired with the drums just creates a dramatic sound to the song thats just beautiful, sunny disposition also for being unique, and of course afterlife for being infamously hard to play and just a great solo.
Synner Endless Summer Collection
Man, it’s hard to pick just one. Off the new album, my favorite is probably the solo on Sunny Disposition. Harmonically, it’s really interesting and I love the note choices. I could be wrong, but it sounds like he’s using the sustainic in in a couple parts. I also really love the guitar work in Simulation. Everything in that song is just bonkers.
My other favorites are Bat Country, The Wicked End, Save Me, M.I.A. And I Won’t See You Tonight Part 2.

Ivan Vakhrameev

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I think my personal favorite two would be Afterlife(of course) and Hail To The King for being just what the song needs – not too little and not to much.
Also, can someone explain to me why the whole HTTK record is so disliked? I mean, it’s not perfect, but I think it’s still incredible…
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Israel Stefanello

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Afterlife solo just explode the mind is so fantastic, and it’s so hard to tell which solo and the best, because there is not bad soil but the soil of the intro of exist and something surreal genius has a classic footprint I love this I wanted to know how he composes these solos whatsapp arrpegios scale syn used and unbelievable

Jak Angelescu

I love this question! I just love the solo for Hail to the King. I like the classical element I hear in it and when he slides up and does the 17-18-15-17-18-15-17 part on the E string and ends it with that sick vibrato. GAWD. I remember watching him play that live and at that part he had this look of awesomeness on his face and I was like, “Yeah, you know how cool that part is, don’t you?” So simple but so powerful.
As far as my favorite Syn solo goes, it is definitely The Stage. That whole, big, long, musical break of two different solos and all their glory. I love the musical movement in it. I feel there’s a lot of emotion in those solos that tell a story. His touch on it is just incredible. I say this all the time but it’s actually my favorite guitar solo I’ve ever heard. Period.
Synner Endless Summer Collection