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Hi guys! I’m having trouble uploading a riff and also starting a new forum topic
I thought I’ll share the video here instead, since what I’m really looking for is feedback.
Any and all observations are welcome, especially on my technique. I decided to showcase this week’s progress with a little improv session using the concept presented in lesson 10. I used a looper pedal.

EXTRA INFO. You don’t have to read this next part, this notes are my “personal progress log”.
I’m sharing them in case anyone could find them useful.
The Synyster Gates School. 1st week of progress.
This week I watched lessons 1-10 and practiced the concepts therein.
The most useful lessons for myself personally were:
Lesson 4- How to hold the pick. Something so simple made a huge difference in my playing.
Lesson 6- The Guitar Fretboard Layout. I was fairly familiar with the notes on the fretboard, but this lesson lit a fire under my ass to learn them all. I’ve been practicing this every day by making it part of my warm up.
Lesson 7- The major scale. Again, I already knew this concept, but this was a GREAT opportunity to do an in depth review of the major scale in every key with different fingerings.
Lesson 10- Another concept I knew and use often, but I loved how simplifying the pentatonic scale to 6 notes pushes you to be more creative with limited choices using rhythm, intention, dynamics etc.
Thank you very much guys! Just to clarify though, I am not new to guitar I just mean my first week of progress here at the school.
Thanks Ekrem! I will work on my bends for sure! One of my favourite things to do!

Sayonil Mitra

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
@bartosz…that was amazing. It is one of my fav songs. \keep up the god work.
@ailee…the melody is of your improv is awesome. Just want to add 1 or 2 things. Work on your vibrato. in this case, a slower vibrato with more stretch in it may sound better. make the vibratos bigger. hope that helps. keep up the good work.


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
@ailee Sounds great! Very Melodic I like it! If you want to you can be a little bit more aggressive with the vibrato. Also, try to think a bit about inflections(slide, rakes etc.). Keep it Up! I think my first week was a lot worse than this


@Stefi – Great cover my mans!
@Hector – Very well done hermano!
@patrick – Job well done homie boy!
@Bartosz – 2 good songs and great covers!
@dan – Second Chance and Wah solos were great! I sense a bit of Zakk Wylde, am I right?
@Ekrem – Awesome solo cover!
@julie – Love the progression home girl!
@ailee – Solid first week! Keep rocking.
This is what happens when you’re late to the party. You have to say hi to everyone or else they don’t talk to you for the rest of the night. LOL. Or at least the parties I’ve gone too.
Thank you @Sayonil and @Ids ,I value your input!
You are very right Sayonil, there is not a lot of variation in my vibrato I need to work on a bigger motion.
Ids, what do you mean with more aggressive vibrato? Faster, louder?
Thanks again guys!

Dan Shipway

Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    If you are looking for tips on aggresive vibrato I always look to Zakk Wylde as he has some of the best vibrato out there. I also tend to use one finger or two on one fret so my hand is more perpendicular to the back of the neck and that helps with the rocking motion that gets wider vibrato.
    I hope this helps!
    Juan, yeah when I found that patch it opened up my playing and felt like it did years back when I used to play heavily like zakk.

    Kevin Kwasneski

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    @Bartosz Tkaczyk – Awesome cover of Waking the Demon!! My only advise would be check your intonation (make sure a D rings out in tune on the 12th fret as well as open) Or take down the chorus a bit, a little too much can make your guitar sound out of tune. I saw Bullet earlier this year and wanted to learn some of their stuff. It was funny, at the show I was actually trying to pay attention to them instead of mosh, but after getting thrown back into the pit 3 or 4 times I was like the hell with it I’ll mosh lol.
    2nd Week of Progress.
    Before moving on to the rest of the lessons I wanted to really spend time on the major scale and get it into my system. To showcase this week’s progress I did an improv in C Major, focusing on creating cohesive melodic phrases or motifs.

    EXTRA INFO, again you don’t have to read this, this are my “personal progress log” I just include them in case somebody finds them useful.
    Lesson 6 has become an important part of daily my warm up, do not underestimate it! I really can’t stress enough how much it has helped me to get to know the neck.
    Last week I got feedback on my vibrato and bends, still a long way to go but I am practicing them. The goal is to put your heart & soul into every note you play, and those phrasing components express a great deal of a player’s personality.