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Very cool cover Kevin! Your tone was great and you did a good job!
Also, very nice guitar! You mentioned Tremonti is your guitar idol, is that his custom PRS?
Also, what camera did you record with? The video looked very clear.

Dominik Gräber

Hot Topic Tourer
Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I thought I haven’t uploaded anything in quite some time so I made a video of one of my trainings / playing sessions. This is my first ever full cover I uploaded and a one take!!
    Bullet for my Valentine – Waking The Demon
    Waking The Demon – Onetake

    As this is literally the second time I played the song front to back and the very first time to the backing track I messed up quite a few parts. But I have a hell of fun with this song.

    Julie Queslin

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    @kevin I looove it ! You’re very creative, keep going ! (Love your guitar)
    @Vanyo Nice cover 🙂
    @dominik It’s really cool if you have fun with this song. Just try to work on your guitar sound (maybe this is the video, I’m not sure) 😉

    Kevin Kwasneski

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    @dominik Gräber I was headbanging at 30 sec in nice job!!!
    @Aileé Guerra Aréizaga, Nope it is a PRS S2 Custom 22. The Tremonti model has a different neck profile that didnt feel good to me. And I have a Canon 60D DSLR camera that I used for that video
    @Vanyo Nikolov Sounds awesome!!! And whats that electric behind you?
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    @julie there is definetly nothing wrong with the guitar sound 🙂 The EMGs + Boss amp deliver a sound really close to the bfmv recordings. It is my sloppy playing that you are hearing plus it being recorded with a phone leaning to my amp. I want to work on that song and record a higher quality cover anyway 😉
    @kevin thanks! That song is a banger^^
    Synner Endless Summer Collection
    First Month of Progress.
    I’ve been working on Major scales for the last 3 weeks, using the 6 shapes all over the fretboard. (CA[A+G]GED)
    Practicing with the following exercises helped me get a better handle on the Major scale.
    -Warm up with lesson 6!
    -Play the chord shape and its corresponding scale shape. Do this on every (CAGED) shape to cover the entire fretboard.
    -Play the scale horizontally, one string at a time.
    -Target the root, third, and fifth. Alternatively, pay close attention to the scale degree you are playing and how it wants to resolve to the 1st,3rd,or 5th.
    -Practice the 2 shapes (CAGED) found on the same position, for example, E shape and A shape. That will allow you to alternate between two different keys on the same position.
    -Target the roots of both keys, then target the thirds, then the fifths.
    This week I am showcasing my progress with an improv where I alternate between the C Major & F Major scales, changing scale every two bars. I am targeting the root, third or fifth of each scale to end my phrases at the beginning of the chord change.
    Next week, I will continue with the lessons.

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Very nice melody. Simple but so much flavour. To me it all sounds like the same scale so you mixed them together very well. Keep pushing! I used to start with a routine too.. did the caged system twice and whatnot. Been a while since I’ve really played it out.. but soon you’ll figure out the entire shape of every chord you want once you get the starting point. You’ll always find the finish you want. The beauty of it all. Love your tone too.
    Thank you very much @calvin! I appreciate it. One of the goals I’m working towards is precisely playing with a lot of flavour, my favourite players are very melodic.
    This two scales share many notes in common, with the exception of Bb on the F Major scale, so it’s quite easy to use them together. The only note to avoid would the be B natural belonging to the C Major scale, because it clashes with F Major (produces a tritone). All the other notes sound good in both keys.


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    Julie-Nice song choice! You seem to be not so comfortable with the chord changes. Like you are just a bit to late when you change chords. So maybe work on that. Overall you’re doing pretty good with the strumming pattern! Keep it up
    Sayonil-I like that backing track! I may go and improvise over it sometime!
    Kevin-Nice Medley and well played!


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    Vanyo-I Love that song and you’re doing pretty well!
    Dominik-This is great! The two main things I notice is the fact that some parts may be a bit too quick still so maybe slow it down a little bit and go from there. The second thing is that the parts you are doing really great at the beginning start to be a bit sloppy after a while when you repeat it a lot. So maybe work on your stamina a little bit! Keep it up you’re doing pretty great!
    Ailee-You have incredible melodic sense(which is more important than the ability to shred IMHO)! I also hear that your vibrato is getting a lot better too and your digging in a bit more. Cool that you’re targeting the thirds and fifths too. It took me a while to figure that out. Well done!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection