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@julie – Good job home girl. Keep it up.
@ Sayonil – Great backing tracking. Saving that one for later.
@Vanyo – Great cover. Also, nice eye candy in the background.
@dominik – Good job my mans. After playing this song a few more times, we probably won’t be able to tell the difference.
@ailee – Great progress. Bends and vibratos are getting better. Keep it up.
Thank you very much Ids! Really appreciate it!
Thank you Julie!
I like your guitar. As someone said earlier, nice song choice! I would advice you to relax your strumming hand and wrist. Keep going!

Dominik Gräber

Hot Topic Tourer
Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    A minor pentatonic Jam

    Okay, I am back with something a little different for me. I tried to apply lessons 20 and 21 and did a little A minor pentatonic jam! It’s not perfect, I know one chord I played sounds terribly off but anyway!
    Also this is the first time you hear my upgraded guitar or the coilsplitted Syn Invader pickup to be more precise Unfortunately the recording can’t convert the beautiful sounds it produces.

    Arda Uslu

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hey folks,i have some issues about uploading riffs.So i have some A7X Covers,here’s Trashed and Scattered Cover,Beast and the Harlot Cover .Hope you guys like it I have so many issues that stuck there for years about my playing(for example sweeps,alternate picking when it’s that fast and that chromatic),feeling that i don’t get enough improvement for couple of years.Lessons ok,i’m working on that when i have time to play guitar,but also it would be great sharing our experiences,which could be same and helpful to each other.I’m pretty new and didn’t spend much time in this school.Hello to y’all!!
    Welcome to the family Arda! We’ve all been there, feeling like you aren’t getting anywhere. The first step to change that is changing our mindset to “YES I CAN!”
    This school is a great resource, I have noticed incredible improvement in my playing and I’m sure you will notice it in yours too. Keep asking for help, everyone here is great with that!
    And yes, there has been an issue with uploading riffs. You can upload them in this forum thread and you’ll get feedback on your playing.

    Arda Uslu

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Thanks @Aileé for motivating words.Yes school is a great resource.Last year i was only studying on lessons in this site,not uploading anything.(I think i stopped looking when i was in middle of intermediate lessons).I got some useful,permanent things in my guitar playing toolbox.CAGED system lessons were nice.I studied on one of Syn’s Etude(It was a sweep picking etude,almost started with no idea about sweep and it only got better,still there is a hell of a long road in sweep picking for me,it needs a lot of practice and i need to find the right technique works on me which is hard).I remember when i came to Circle o Fifths lesson i got bored so much,didn’t get the point of lesson.Thank you @julie I firstly got my electric guitar when i was 13.Now I’m 23.But it didn’t go regularly.I’ve been playing for last 4-5 years more often.First riff that i tried to play was intro of Unholy Confessions when i got my guitar,as 13 years old.But i think i was playing it on standard tuning until i was 18 So my story went this way.I’ve been dealing with M.I.A and Afterlife a lot lastly.When i have the time,i want to upload these too,and get feedbacks
    Sinister Gates School, second month of progress.
    I watched lessons 11-19, and for the last few weeks I’ve been focusing on my rhythm hand. Rhythm and timing have been a bit of a challenge for me in the past, but I definitely have noticed considerable improvement over the course of the last couple years.
    To showcase my work, I decided to share some of the rhythm exercises I practice with.
    -Changing note values continuously aka. “Rhythmic modulation” (this can also be practiced while playing scales)
    -Skiping a beat of the rhythm
    -Accenting different beats of a given rhythm (this one still proves to be the most difficult)