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feeling like I'm not good at guitar



I feel like I’m not that great at guitar even after 3 years of playing February 14th will be 3 years. I just feel like I’m not learning anything any more should I start playing to backing track or what should I do. I want to make a living out of playing the guitar like everyone else on this website but I’m having problems feeling like I’m not good also I don’t know how to get gigs can someone help this will be much appreciated.


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Gething better tends to come from practicing but dont forget to have fun in the process. Backingtracks can be a way of having fun and still learning how to improvise. I also would like to know what you think you’re not good enough at maybe we can help you. Can you also upload some riffs so we can try and give you some tips

John Tierney

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Stop and think. Look back at that 2 year mark and compare that you to the right now you and say “I couldn’t do ____ technique or riff and now that’s easy”. I’ve been playing I think with a more serious midset for 2 years. I’ll tell you a quick story, when I first picked up my first guitar, I couldn’t even fret and I messed with the tuning pegs so much I broke a string not even 10 minutes in to my journey. Now I look back and just laugh at myself and see that all I’ve accomplished.
This community in my eyes is so we can build each other up and pick up someone who’s down. Just remind yourself of what you can do now compared to an average joe. Look in a mirror and 3 times say, “I am a kick ass guitar player”. Like Ids Schiere said mess with backing tracks and make a YOU riff because YOU are an amazing guitarist.


Wow thank you so much for your support it means a lot yes I do remember the time where I could not even fret a note and I just realized that there is a lot of stuff that I could not do at my second year and now it’s really easy
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Filip Tomiša

Campfire Attention Holder
Nov 11, 2019
John made a good point. Anytime I would feel like I suck or that I’m not progressing I would just aks myself this: “Would I exchange my current guitar skills with the skills I had at the beginning?” and I always say NO because you realise how much you actually learned since the day you’ve started. We all feel sometimes like we suck but if you just keep practicing you will eventually learn something and that will give you the excitement back and you will realise that you ARE learning and progressing more and more each day.

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    It seems to be a fairly constant trait in guitarists to think we’re not much good. I’ve been playing almost 35 years, and man, there’s so much shit out there I listen to and can’t play, and I think “Ahh, man, I suck.” I have convinced myself that all the people who pay me massive compliments are either “being nice,” don’t know what they’re talking about, or I’ve somehow got them tricked. Every time they see me play, I’m waiting for them to realize I’m not as good as they think I am.
    It’s a blessing and a curse. It’s a curse because it sucks feeling that way, but it’s a blessing because it makes us strive for even better.
    Being a good guitarist is not a destination. It is an ongoing journey, and the longer I play, the more comfortable I get with that idea. Hell, there are things I could play 25 years ago that I can’t play now – not by a long shot – but there are a lot of things I play now that I wouldn’t have THOUGHT to play back then, and that counts too.
    Enjoy who you are, enjoy the journey. Enjoy picking up a guitar and playing, for you, because really – it is all about you. if you do it for YOU first, everything else will matter less.
    Oh, and for sure, record yourself at least once a month, then listen back a month later to have concrete proof of your progress – it’s very encouraging in the early years.

    Fabio Rossi

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Never give up! I passed my first 2 years on the guitar without improve, then a decided to become more serious: I started to do exercises for the technique, improvise and studying harmony. Now I’m playing guitar for 7 years and I (and also other people) consider myself a good guitarist.
    Exercise and dedication: you will see results!
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Seth Duval

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hey man i feel you. Ive been playing for 5 years and some days i feel like i just suck. Take some time and relax a little, take a break from guitar just think to yourself you are good. Thats what i do and when i come back i have a sense of feeling great avout just keeping it up.

    Brian Haner Sr.

    Staff member
    Fucking Legend
    Nov 11, 2019
    I played at NAMM last week and played the obligatory “Spain”. I just tore it up. Absolutely K I L L E D it! I felt like I was not just a good player, but a great player. Other players patting me on the back and asking me how I played this lick and that lick. An hour later I was at the Wampler booth and Tom Quayle sat down and played “Spain” using only legato ala Holdsworth. He played notes and phrases I didn’t think possible on the guitar. His technique was insane, but his harmonic structure was on another planet. I walked away feeling like a complete beginner. Like I didn’t even understand the guitar. This happened all in the space of an hour. I have been playing guitar CONSTANTLY since 1968. Do the math. That’s right – 50 years!
    My bad news for you is – this feeling you have NEVER ENDS. The good news is – if you use it to motivate you and you don’t let it stop you from playing – you WILL get good. VERY good. And you will feel good about your playing 99% of the time. (Until you see Tom Quayle play live).
    I’m working on my legato as we speak.


    Thank you for sharing that what I learned from what you said is we can all do more on the guitar but just because you can’t do that one thing doesn’t mean you are a bad guitar player you just have to work on it and try to do it. I think we are always evolving as guitar players like you have been playing for 50 years and you are working on your legato seeing this makes me more confident thank you. Thanks again papa gates

    John Robinson

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Nashville tn.
    I know how you feel,i have been playing for the same time you have,i started from knowing nothing,i watch syn play and think i never will be that good but i dont have to we have a syn we dont need another one,when i feel stuck i put it down for a while then come back to it.sorry im rambling,i have so many thoughts to try to help you,i hope i helped

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Lach, I have been playing guitar on and off for over 10 years. I was impatient and didnt learn any theory at all. Which made is a lot harder to figure things out in learning songs and whatnot. Theres some youtube videos of me playing some songs really bad, mostly syn stuff. Because I never did the simple things to begin. If you find your struggling, all I gotta say is dont let it go. I wish I didn’t go on and off all the time that I did because I would be light years ahead of where I am now. You may think you aren’t getting places, but your brain is making those connections even when you dont realize it. And eventually it’ll just come to you the next time you pick it up.
    This school helps a lot too, I’d just keep watching the videos over and over. Right from step one. Even if you know if, review it.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    supraja vadlamani

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    I so agree with what Filip says about not trading his skills for when he first started. I myself picked up the guitar about six months ago and back then, I couldn’t even play a single chord. I learnt and practised and bought a second-hand electric a month ago. I can now play stuff that I once thought was absolutely impossible for me to play and it’s such a surreal feeling overcoming that and you may feel like you’re not that great but let me tell you two things, 1) a lot of people feel that way, which isn’t necessarily bad because then you don’t get complacent and 2) think back to when you first started playing the guitar, and compare it to now. You probably know so much more now, which means you have more skill to make use of (I hope that makes sense)
    It can get hard sometimes but don’t give up, it’s a slow but fruitful process.