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Guitar Strings

Ashley Armstrong

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Hey guys….
Currently sat in my house, with my guitar and a glass of red (classy) and needing a re-string on my acoustic. Only problem is, this’ll be my first re-string on the acoustic!
Absolutely no idea what to have on it, I’ve got pretty thin strings on my electric, and don’t particularly like the 12’s I’ve got on my Acoustic at the moment, so I’m thinking of dropping to 11s as but I play mainly finger style on the acoustic, so that might be wise.
What are your guys thoughts on this? what do you have on yours?
Thanks in Advance!!!

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    I’m not a huge fan of the “thicker strings” FER TONEZ argument. I think that how the strings FEEL under your fingers is much more important. I use 9-46 on my electrics, always – for 30 years now. On acoustics, I use the lightest available bronze-wrapped strings – 11’s.
    My Martin still sounds very much like a Martin with 11s. 🙂

    Ashley Armstrong

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    That’s it – I play an electro acoustic, so the fuller “sound” with bass and volume doesn’t bother me too much, I struggle more with steel strings so looking for something to feel better.
    I have fun trying to find guitars to play without steel 12s on being a leftie…. is it the 80/20s you use Ed?
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Jen Hapke

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    I think it’s a good choice to go to 11ths.
    I have 12ths on my acoustic and 9ths on my electric, pretty weird but I don’t use bends on the acoustic that much. I like to tune it down and never had issues with fingerpicking on the 12ths. But I totally know how wrong strings can feel. I actually once had 13ths on the acoustic and I changed this pretty fast back to 12ths.
    If you have problems with the re-stringing, there are some awesome tutorials on youtube.