Hi all! I'd like to introduce myself as I've been rather active albeit not posting much because I don't have much to offer at the moment.
I generally go by my nickname Erv, which is what you can call me if ya want. I'm 27 and I've been playing guitar for about 3 whole weeks now, and I gotta say, it feels amazing. I suck but being able to play music just feels special. I've been rocking out with a cheapo les paul style guitar and I use Bias FX 2 w/ a Scarlett Solo to get all my tones. It's been working out super well for me, and I love it.
My day job is a software engineer for a big internet infrastructure provider. I do mainly backend work so creating the actual platforms themselves that websites, and such are hosted on. I live outside Atlanta, and I'm rather new here. Just moved here last June and it's been pretty cool. I was born in Texas to an Army dad originally from Huntington Beach and we moved around a bit because of the Army.
Currently learning the CAGED system and it's been really fun. Bar chords are hard
I usually practice around 2-3 hours per day because I am really excited about getting better. My fingers are already calloused to hell so I don't even feel the strings anymore which is nice. For my first song I'm learning For Whom The Bell Tolls. I can play a good 80% of it, however, the 3-2-1-0 power chord progression at the beginning is really beating me up. I can't seem to move up the neck fast enough, but other than that it's all good. I also started learning the intro to Sweet Child O' Mine which is a lot of fun to play and I seem to use it as a picking exercise more than learning the song.
Anyways, I've rambled enough. This seems like a great community with a ton of super supportive users! I love that Syn and Papa put this all together because it has been incredible for me so far, and many others I'm sure. I hope to learn a lot and contribute as much as I can too, all while having a great time.
Thank you all!
I generally go by my nickname Erv, which is what you can call me if ya want. I'm 27 and I've been playing guitar for about 3 whole weeks now, and I gotta say, it feels amazing. I suck but being able to play music just feels special. I've been rocking out with a cheapo les paul style guitar and I use Bias FX 2 w/ a Scarlett Solo to get all my tones. It's been working out super well for me, and I love it.
My day job is a software engineer for a big internet infrastructure provider. I do mainly backend work so creating the actual platforms themselves that websites, and such are hosted on. I live outside Atlanta, and I'm rather new here. Just moved here last June and it's been pretty cool. I was born in Texas to an Army dad originally from Huntington Beach and we moved around a bit because of the Army.
Currently learning the CAGED system and it's been really fun. Bar chords are hard
Anyways, I've rambled enough. This seems like a great community with a ton of super supportive users! I love that Syn and Papa put this all together because it has been incredible for me so far, and many others I'm sure. I hope to learn a lot and contribute as much as I can too, all while having a great time.
Thank you all!