Hello everybody!! Im ryuk, a guitarist kinda obvious but yeah, i've started playing guitar 12 years ago but i wasn't really that motivated until 7 years ago, i am 16 years old soon 17, ive been learning by my own until recently because i didnt know my keys nor scales i was just playing by ear or looking at tabs the whole time... yeah that was until recently i learned about the guitar lessons here, since Synyster Gates was the reason why i got motivated at playing guitar, I've decided to start learning here and so far it really helped me alot, im in a band im the lead guitarist and singer im mostly the one who compose, and by ear its really hard to share with my bandmates those riffs and ideas i have, as i had no clue what so ever about the notes i was playing and in what key i was, although im still learning and there's still alot more to learn, just a few lessons really helped me understand more guitar in general, So thank you Synyster and Mr Gates. Sr for helping me get better and learn the scales and keys as i really needed to learn those, but there is still alot of things for me to learn here so i should get back to it