So I know I’ve been posting a lot of things lately. And all of them have been directed towards me getting better. I feel bad for doing that but once I get back on track I’m going to start helping people more.
So I’m going to need your help for this, this will be one or the last times I’m asking for help. So I want to make a schedule to practice guitar. So I need your help. On the things I need to work on, Ben brought up a lot of good things in my last post. So I have an hour a day to practice all of these and how would I fit This into an hour and how to make it interesting so I don’t get bored on working on the same thing every day for the same amount of time.
So I’m thinking about making a video once a week or every other week. So I’d like to throw that in too. Again thanks for all of the help guys I really do appreciate it now.