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Hey Guys! Could I Get Some Feedback on My Nightmare Solo?


Jak Angelescu

I’m only posting this here to get feedback I worked super hard on learning this and I think I got it! It’s only at 80% speed because the new parts I learned are a little tricky for me. It’s not perfect, but I’m just putting it out there to see if you guys think it’s accurate at all.
Total Clocked Time for Entire Song: 19 hours!!!
Thank you SO much everyone!!

Jak Angelescu

@Ed You know what’s funny? I can actually play that sweep better standing up. I don’t know why but it’s like my left hand falls more naturally in place. But I agree it’s really tricky! It’s almost a lucky shot when I get it and I really need to make sure I practice it more because I flubbed it in this video
@kevin I don’t have any pedals that I work with right now. I’m pretty much a straight into the amp kind of girl for the most part. I had my settings set on less gain and hardly any Reverb for a reason . I didn’t want my sound to be masked by anything. Because of this, Dylan was able to hear and comment that I needed to connect my runs a lot better. He wrote it on my YouTube video and I really appreciated the feedback. I wanted my sound to be as virginal as possible so people could hear it more clearly and where I needed to fix things. But I’ll remember that tip for sure! I don’t know a lot about pedals. Thank you!
@juan thank you so much! Are you talking about that little quick half step Bend I do twice around the 52 to 53 second mark? If that’s what you’re talking about it’s something that I actually heard when I slowed it down really slow. Not entirely sure if he is playing it there but that’s what it sounded like to me
Thank you so much for the feedback everyone!


I watched this a few times and I cannot fault it. Your vibrato is shit hot, the sweeps are clean and the bends are really accurate. There may have been a slip up on the tremolo section near the end, but I only noticed it cause’ I watched it about 6 times to really listen. I wouldn’t have noticed it otherwise! I do hope Syn or PG create a lesson for wicked vibrato and bending at some point (Unless they have and I have missed it completely). Maybe you should do a lesson on different virbatos??

Jak Angelescu

Thank you so much, Andrew, Ben and Kim!
@ben I did have a lesson I did on vibratos, how to do them, why they’re important, etc. But I think it may have gotten gobbled up by the Great Hacker Heist of 2018. I do have some other tidbits I could add now for sure! I’ll consider it!