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Billy Robertson

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I have been around the community since almost the beginning of the site. always been to self conscious to upload a video. My question to you all is how do you get over the fear of people picking you apart and just trashing you. I am not a very good player, and I seem to mess up a lot more once i turn on the camera.

This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by  Billy Robertson.


Jak Angelescu

Hey there Billy! First and foremost, I’d like to say ‘thank you’ for actually making this known to us. It’s something I’ve been working hard on to encourage people to post. There are literally THOUSANDS of other students who have the same exact fears as you do. So it’s not uncommon or unusual.
I can’t speak for myself because I didn’t have fears about posting because I was kind of a beginner, but moreso with how I looked. I was pretty self conscious about my weight.
Since your reason is entirely different, I will tell you this: There is an absolute ZERO TOLERANCE policy we have here on the site for bullying, or even slightly rude comments. I’ve defended a couple of students on here because some of the remarks they got weren’t very friendly. They weren’t necessarily mean, but they could have definitely been better. I discovered that because there are thousands of students from literally all over the world, that sometimes a language barrier is the culprit, and people don’t mean to come off as rude.
If you post up and someone starts to even become condescending to you, I step in immediately and warn the other student (with logical intentions of course) to change their tone. If it doesn’t get fixed and they get worse, I can either report them to be banned or even do it myself.
Syn and PG have worked so damn hard to specifically make this a safe place for YOU. And if this helps you get over your fears at all, read this:
Syn and Papa LOVE SO MUCH when students in YOUR situation finally post. It literally brings them so much happiness. BELIEVE ME. They created this site for students like you . This isn’t a G3 guitar tournament website. When they see you post (even if you can’t hold the guitar right or even pick right but you show you’re trying) it gives them a great sense of happiness knowing their endeavors in this school ARE helping people.
So in conclusion, post it for yourself and for them. Besides, we ALL love to see guitarists grow. We all love to help 🙂


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Frankly, you don’t really get over people trashing you entirely. At some point you just start noticing that it really matters who picks you apart. If it’s friends or someone you look up to it hurts but a complete stranger is just not significant enough to worry about. Remember all we do here is picking your playing apart so we can give you constructive criticism so you can get better.
As for the messing up in front of the camera part of your question. That’s probably just nerves. You should be able to get a hold on them when you do it more.
I hope this helps!

Filip Tomiša

Campfire Attention Holder
Nov 11, 2019
You get over it just by uploading the video. No one here is going to trash you and there is no reason to trash you. You don’t have to be a pro to be able to upload something. Just play whatever you know and upload it. What’s the worst thing that will happen? Nothing, you will just be more confident and you will get tips from other players that will help you learn. So don’t be afraid to upload because you will only benefit from it. Cheers!

Gabriel Corso

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Hello, Billy!
How are you?
My first answer to your question is:
I believe that this community is the best place to upload videos and ask for opinions.
People here are very welcoming and ready to support you on whatever you need.
Even if you do not play that great!
So don’t be afraid!
Post some of your work, or improvement videos for us to see and help you get over this fear.
I can assure you that each and everyone of us have had some sort of fear some day, but it is normal.
If you have any questions or just want to talk, please few free to reach me by DM, Facebook or whatever haha.
Oh, and don’t compare yourself to YouTube guitarists, who have great recording equipment and professional cameras.
You do you!
And someday you will be as good as them. Or even better!
Focus on your playing!
Keep improving and playing!!
Take care, buddy!!
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Kfir Yaakovi

Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Dude, you should give a fuck about people trashing you. I know for sure ill fucking love it. Regardless of your playing. We are fucking family here people who trash other people dont belong here.
    Feedback is always great don’t be afraid of it.
    I SUCK and I love it.

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Yo Billy!
    You’ll get shit from people on all corners of the internet EXCEPT here. You’ve found your safe space. A lot of our friends here have opened themselves up, bravely stepped out of their comfort zones, exposing their vulnerabilities, and are glad they did so here. It can be very rewarding and confidence-building.
    Personally, I’ve taken to getting more comfortable in front of the camera by doing frequent Instagram clips tagged with #metalminute. The whole idea with them is for them to be rough takes – most of them have little mistakes and I choose to leave them in there. Let the “influencers” on YouTube do their carefully curated and edited perfect takes. I wanna be human, and I want other students here to be and see humans.
    Syn fucks up on stage plenty. He knows it, he admits it. The professional in him knows how to handle it quickly and subtly so he gives the impression “I meant to do that.” That comes with seasoning and practice.
    Share away, brother. You’ll get nothing but love here.

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    No one here will pick you apart. What they WILL do is tell you possible habits that may be stunting your growth. Don’t look at it as being harsh but rather them finding a way to help you learn better and faster. Those bad habits could be the issue to your growth.
    I’d personally love to hear what you can come up with.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Like I am not online for three hours and there is a new topic with 12 responses. LOL
    Anyway, I can agree with everyone here. I am not comfortable in front of a camera AT ALL. But this site is just awesome. I never witnessed an actually rude comment ever – and I am here since the beginning as well.
    Regarding recording. What sometimes helps me is just setting up the camera and hit play. Then just doodle around. Jam, warm up. Then some time just play what you actually want to record, delete the rest. I think it takes a lot of pressure from you.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Thanks for trusting us, Billy.
    You’ve got some nice note choices here and some cool phrasing. Improv is hard, and you’re doing fine with it. One thing I would suggest is that for any note you stay on for a bit, SOME FORM of vibrato should be your default. It’s okay to just sit on the note sometimes, but that should be a conscious choice, not the default. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of different “feels” you can put into a vibrato to make it interesting.
    Vibrato is your heart. It’s your soul, and you should try to inject it into everything, unless you’re making a STATEMENT by not using it. (My personal opinion).
    I’d also recommend trying to be a little more aware of your backing track – the beats and accents, the tempo and groove.
    You’re bringing some really good stuff to the table. It won’t take much for you to see the kind of improvement you’re looking for.