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House of Syn clothing? Where Did It Go?


Jak Angelescu

That’s what a lot of people are saying! I know that when they announced The End of the World tour it came off like a play on words to me because they just got done doing The Stage “World Tour”
But some people were also speculating he may be going digital. Then there have also been talks about new material. These guys are always cooking up surprises, so I always just let my mind think anything is possible but PG had an Instagram post earlier today that I thought may have something in common with Syn’s, but I could be thinking too far into it. I just get excited

Jak Angelescu

It’s obvious my speculations are wrong but I don’t follow Syn’s rig at all. I’m not much of a gear person and so I didn’t even know what Fractal audio was until last night.

Jak Angelescu

Someone asked on his Instagram where they could get those tones at. To which he replied “they’ll be available to you very soon ”!!! So maybe I wasn’t entirely wrong, lol! Syn fans are going to lose their minds if he’s partnering with Fractal for tones we can buy

mike d

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Anyone interested in purchasing any Syn Gates clothing off me, message me here or DM me on Instagram (md1579). I’ve sold 1 shirt. I have 3 more that I’m willing to sell. All shirts are medium in size and in good condition. Thanks.