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How do I teach someome play guitar?


Local Dive Bar Favorite
  • Nov 16, 2019
    The Netherlands
    I've been asked to teach my cousin play guitar. It's a one time thing. He has never played before. I figured I could teach him two chord shapes and the pentatonic, but after that I get lost. He probably is going to want to see an example or play a song, my mind will go blanc.

    What should I show him as an introduction to guitar? All advice is welcome
    Hey Lindsey, I've taught loads of beginners over the years so these things could work for him 👉

    -String names (You can use Elephants, And, Donkeys, Grow, Big, Ears (EADGBE) to help him remember the string letters) I usually then play a game where I mix up the letters and get the student to find the strings that I say, getting gradually quicker as we go.

    - The Spider exercise - Shows him how to use all 4 fingers straight away by matching them to each fret and playing in order - 1234 on every string (This will usually highlight how Important thumb position is if they struggle to reach up to the low E string and it'll allow you to explain that)

    - The very start of Metalica's Nothing Else Matters can be cool as a fun way to practice...


    Local Dive Bar Favorite
  • Nov 16, 2019
    The Netherlands
    The C chord is important I'm not sure why
    Keyboards start on C, not sure how it's relevant but yeah
    a formula is C-E-G?
    i don't have my glasses on and i'm stepping out
    Because you’re usually taught in C major at first. It has no sharps or flats
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