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How Do You Guys Write Harmonies?

Isaac Moss

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Hey guys so I have a guitar solo where I end it with a rather quirky harmony section and I was wondering what intervals you guys like to use? Also do you like change intervals in the middle or it or something like that, ex: thirds to fifths or something. Also do you have any tips on writing better harmony lines in general? And do you guys know what Syn and Zacky normally use for their harmonized lines?


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
I tend to use 3rds, 4ths or 5ths(you know the intervals that work). If it’s a harmony based on arpeggios I just take the arpeggio in a different position. I think Sun and Zacky started using 3rds on the stage but not sure. No I don’t change up the interval because that may mess up the melody a little bit.

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Theres 2 possible ways I think melodies can work. I could be wrong but you can use the same scale and do what ids said and go up a couple notes. Or you can possibly try to use a similar scale that works and use it from the same starting point as the 3rd or 5th whatever you wanted. I cant see why it wouldnt sound good if the scales relate. Something to think about incase you wanted to try something different.

Jak Angelescu

Hey Isaac! I think it’s great you’re getting into this stuff. I remember EASILY hearing in an interview that $yn and Zacky would spend HOURS coming up with unique harmonies with each other. They wanted to get more experimental that just the basic perfect 5th or perfect 4th and major 3rds that are so commonly used. So as far as that part of your question goes, that’s the best answer I have. They just spent a lot of time working together and coming up with stuff that sounded unique. I don’t think they had an exact mode of operation.