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How much do looks matter to you?

Ben Thorpe

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I’ve been browsing guitars on the internet, the ones which I’m drawn to are the ones which I simply like the look of. How important are looks to you, and is it stupid to make a decision on what guitar to buy just based on the way it looks?

Jen Hapke

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I think if you only browse them in the internet you might have descriptions and audio examples but it’s different when you can play the guitar yourself. I think I you find a guitar that sounds awesome but you don’t like the look it might be half so much fun.
When you go to a shop and try guitars out you probably might decide different.
But of cause most guitars I try out are guitars that look beautiful to me (but the number of these is high).

Ana Psuturi

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I think for me it’s a complex of things. But I tend to pick up a guitar to try out in a store, by the way it looks and then check the feel of it, sound and etc. But again if guitar looks great, but is not comfortable playing or I don’t like the sound I won’t by it just for looks.

Dominik Gräber

Hot Topic Tourer
Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    To be honest I think it is stupid to buy a guitar Just because of its Look. And that is exactly what I would do! Hah
    To me Looks are very important and I don’t hesitate buying a guitar I have never played (in the rare cases that I buy one).
    But definetly playability is Something you should have an eye on.
    Also If it’s Not your First guitar I think it makes Sense to search for Something different compared to what you have. Maybe singlecoils instead of humbuckers. Or a floyd rose instead of a steady Bridge.
    But Like I Said I am kinda dumb but haven’t Made Bad experience so far. I guess If you want to buy a cool guitar ‘blind’ you should at least have Trust in the company.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Dan Shipway

    Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    About as important as having a car with an engine. Hardware and ease of play take priority but finish is really important. After all this is a guitar you want to pick up and play. This is the reason I dislike the gold burst syn finish but to each their own, I have seen some guitars that play amazing but look terrible and vis versa.

    sally smith

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    The look of the guitar is important. You’re probably going to be more motivated to play if you look at your guitar and you like the way it looks. You can have the best sounding guitar in the world but you’re probably not going to want to play it if you don’t like the way it looks.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Noah Berends

    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Fort Wayne, IN
    For me it’s important within reason. I’m not super picky on color but I tend to stay away from the color red. I’m not entirely sure why but I just don’t like it. As far as the shape, no Epiphone Nighthawk’s, and nothing cosmetic that gets in the way of fret access. I’m borderline too picky when it comes to feel. But I got lucky and found a shape I really like and now I’m just buying more of it, haha.

    Jake Arnold

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    Traverse City
    I’d say you definitely want a guitar that you think looks cool but I’ve had bad experiences with that as well.
    I bought a plain wood finish Godin a while back and it looks boring as hell but 5 years and 4 guitars later I love it so much more than my others.
    Recently, I bought the schecter 40th anniversary Avenger (being a lefty I don’t really ever get the chance to play them first) and the guitar looks cool as hell but it is the worst guitar I own, it plays like shiiiit and doesn’t stay in tune for more than 2 songs…