I’m so proud of you, Julian. Thank you for sharing your progress on the second solo of The Stage with me on Instagram
It made my day since that solo IS my favorite guitar solo of all time. I am so proud of the progress you’ve made since our friendship here on the school.
But PLEASE remember, you are tackling a ridiculously hard and complicated piece. The Stage intro has been dubbed as one of the most complicated, difficult, challenging and mentally draining things to play for modern guitar. There is so much to it, and most of it has been transcribed incorrectly, and then on the other hand, even with a slow-downer, the notes are extremely difficult to understand and hear for most guitarists. I started to grasp the concept of it fairly well and then gave up because it was way too much for me to take on. Don’t make my choice
keep working at it every day because there’s a LOT to remember, and it’s easy to forget. Work on your timing as well. There were a lot of rests and pauses in the solo you missed when you sent it to me. Feel free to use the YouTube slow down feature and practice it to make sure your timing is solid, because honestly that’s really your only setback with that solo. Other things will come with continued practice
Also, should you feel lost or confused, the live version at Capital Records is SOO good for getting to see what he’s doing
Whatever you do, finish this once you start it. You are learning pieces of it, so don’t give up! I want to see the WHOLE song!
Good luck!