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I think I might need help..

Riku Lainpelto

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
So, straight to the thing. I’ve almost hit an dead end, again. I know that it’s normal when you’re learning to play but I just feel like my progression is way too slow, especially on the more technical stuff. I don’t know if it’s my overall playing technic which sucks and makes my progression difficult or what. I’m in point where I don’t exactly know what to do.
Any input would be greatly appreciated as always.

Dan Shipway

Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Dude, I have gone through the same thing over and over again, years of progress have been wiped and my technique has changed multiple times. Persistence is key,it takes a long time but you will start to see real progress if you practice the same things day in and day out. Its all about having the self control to not go fast and to make sure you are confident at the level you are at.


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    First let me ask you a question, What do you consider slow progression exactly?
    Especially the technical stuff takes a long time develop, none of the people you see doing all the crazy tapping, sweeping fast stuff developed that within a year(at least us regular human beings don’t). It takes years and years of dedicated practice to really nail the technical aspects of playing so maybe you’re not progressing that slow but are slightly impatient.
    If that’s not the case and you really just hit a plateau(or are stuck in a rut however you want to call it) the best way for me to get out of it is by exploring new things. It can be new styles a new technique or whatever just something new that excites you and gets you back up practicing.

    Riku Lainpelto

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    First of all, thanks for both of you for the great replies!
    Dan. That actually boosted my motivation! I feel like no matter how much I practice things like sweeping, I don’t get better at it at all. I obviously know that as much as I wanted to, I can’t learn to play like Syn in a year and a half.
    Ids. I consider slow progression really slow (well, obviously). I haven’t progressed hardly at all at the technical stuff like sweeping and even alternate picking. Actually, quite opposite lately, especially at the alternate picking. That’s why I started thinking today that my whole technic could be way off. I just don’t know what to do and that’s why I made this topic. I guess I could try exploring some new stuff. I’m kinda stuck at the nightmare Solo right now so could be a good thing to change things a bit.

    Ezequiel Romanko

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    hmph you can record yourself playing and analize your hands to see if you have struggle with your picking hand or how you press the strings, also like ids said the progress takes years, and for example don’t rush yourself trying to do what other guitar players, like syn for example, do cuz they spent more than 10 or 15 years practicing that stuff, so you have maybe to put the same amount of time than them to play their stuff at their level 🙂 that will prevent from getting down or frustrated, cuz you have to think im not stuck, just i need more time, you may not notice progress on high speeds but may it is on lower speeds, the progress of a guitar player isn’t necesary tied to how fast you can play of if you nail 20 different skills, the progress is that you play what you know till now with the perfect technique, what i mean is that if you play slow but you have a really good sound and nail alt picking at a slow speed you have progressed more that a person who plays super fast but doesn’t have a good technicque or plays with no syncronization at all :).
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Riku Lainpelto

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    I guess you’re all right. Could be more of an mental issue. I’m more of an guy who wants to see results right away so maybe I’m just over thinking. It’s a miracle that I’ve even gotten this far. I guess I just need to get over that “habit” of wanting results right away somehow. To change the way I think essentially.
    Thanks again equally for all of you! I really appreciate all of yours input. We’re lucky to have a place like this where we can interact with others and learn to play.