@Lakshitaa - I made a quick video explaining what I mentioned above
Here is a Google drive link to all the Major triad shapes (The last shape on the 3rd row has an intentional error that I leave for my students - the note on the b string should be on the g string):
I should point out that the numbers on the Major Triad shapes on the PDF indicate which fingers you should use to play them as Chords. The way to know which note in the triad is a Root, 3 or 5 is this:
Each pattern is from Low to High String (the direction of a down sweep)
Root position: R35
1st inversion: 35R
2nd Inversion: 5R3
Here's a link to the Minor triad shapes too (these are labeled better with the actual scale tones):
The patterns for the Minor Shapes are:
Root: 2 frets right, 2 frets left
b3 : 2 frets right, 1 fret left
5 : 1 fret right, 2 frets left
^ This will make more sense after you've seen the first video
Hope this helps! Fire away with any questions