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Intimidated Yet Curious Newcomer

Isaiah Honesto

Local Dive Bar Favorite
Nov 11, 2019
Hello,everyone! My name is Isaiah,I’m 17 years old,and I’ve been playing for 7 years.I just started looking into the community aspect of the site and I’m gonna be honest,a lot of you guys are great,and I’m slightly intimidated to post my own covers.I just bought the Synyster Gates Custom-S sunburst model,and I made a cover playing Unholy Confessions (original,I know) and unfortunately Hopeless Records has taken it down for copyright,but it’ll be back up soon. (hopefully) However,I was just wondering how many people out there are actually even interested in watching yet another Unholy Confessions cover,even in 2018. I’m new to this aspect of the site,so this is me saying “Anyone out there?”

Dominik Gräber

Hot Topic Tourer
Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Hey Isaiah and welcome
    It doesn’t really matter what you post as long as you feel comfortable with it. This community is about helping each other and not about posting the perfect cover. So go ahead an post it, no one will mock you for doing an “uncreative” cover or something. But you might receive feedback.
    And don’t worry, yeah we got some really fantastic guitar players on the school, but it ranges from Syn down to people who just started learning. Nobody here will laugh at something you do and everybody will try to help, if wanted. That’s what the school is about
    I am still some years away from hitting the 7 year mark. So I am kinda at the start of it all still.

    Isaiah Honesto

    Local Dive Bar Favorite
    Nov 11, 2019
    Personally,I believe the time I’ve played doesn’t accurately depict my skill,as I haven’t done many formal lessons outside of the SGS,so who knows,you might be somewhere in skill that I’ll be at in a couple years.Regardless,as soon as Hopeless gives me back the cover I’ll totally post it,and I have another I’m working on right now,so if the first goes well I’ll just keep the ball rolling!

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    That’s true, how well you develop your guitar skills depends on how much effort and time you put in and also a little on what possibilities you have. I am selftaught myself and always learned covers, so beginning with theory in the SGS I am still at the very beginning of taking guitar seriously and learning something worth to show off with haha

    Gabriel Corso

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    I’d like to watch it as well Isaiah!
    It is always nice to see new guitar covers of these type of songs.
    I also have been playing guitar for a long time – 9 years now. But I did not continue to practice that much or to search for new techniques.
    So I was not progressing in the art of playing the guitar.
    And that is fine! Everybody has their time!
    But now with SGS I found myself interested in learning methods and techniques again.
    Don’t worry, we’re all Guitar friends here! No bad criticism or rude people.
    Hope you like the site!!

    Isaiah Honesto

    Local Dive Bar Favorite
    Nov 11, 2019
    It’s amazing to see these responses,and I’m definitely gonna post it,bye how does Vimeo work? I’ve never really known much about it.Hopeless Records put Unholy Confessions into a system YouTube uses that hears songs and takes them down,and it happened to snag my cover.Thankfully the policy for Unholy Confessions is that covers are allowed,they just need to give it back,but for some reason it’s taking a while.Hopefully I can get it back soon,I worked hard on it!


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    The same happened to me with my stairway to heaven cover. Basically Vimeo works the same as YouTube but aren’t as big I guess. You can also watch the music video for I am the Walrus there(which I would definitely recommend) but can’t watch it on YouTube.

    Jak Angelescu

    Welcome Isaiah! I can’t think of anything to say that hasn’t been said already. I literally posted up dozens of videos of me practicing Hail to the King and everyone loved all of them! There is definitely no judgement here. And the admins and students do a great job of being kind to each other and not letting things get out of hand.
    I will say for now, the ability to upload a riff is not working for the students. If you’d like, you can request to be my friend on facebook and I can add you to the student facebook page where you CAN post your video for feedback no YouTube required. This is just to help the students continue their demonstrations of their growing process until the last little bug is fixed.
    I have two profile pages. Look for the one with the black cat and guitar. Welcome to the family, brother!

    Syn Gates

    Staff member
    Sep 18, 2019
    Huntington Beach
    Welcome Isaiah. As you can see, we have some pretty cool people here that have created a place safe from mean spirited comments and bullying. I strongly encourage you to find your confidence here, make some friends, and then go unleash your talents upon the rest of the world knowing that when it gets a little rough out there, you can always find solace and peace here with us.

    If I sound like a hippy cult leader, it may be because I am now. I’m not positive I’m not, but what I do know is that everyone here has brought such extreme serenity to my life and I get so excited to share that feeling with others.
    But just to be safe….never drink Kool-Aid from Papa Gates

    Isaiah Honesto

    Local Dive Bar Favorite
    Nov 11, 2019
    This is the best feeling ever,I can’t believe this place is real.Not only are the members super supportive and kind,but It’s extremely welcoming to have Syn himself respond to this,and honestly,I’m kinda freaking out lol,this all means so much to me,and I can guarantee I’ll be posting and participating in the forums! You guys are amazing,and to Syn and Papa Gates,thank you so much.

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    Welcome Isaiah !
    Everyone here has already summed up everything I could say lol
    I’m a total beginner, and I still post my videos and the feedback is great ! Everyone here is so positive and uplifting. You’ll get nothing come constructive feedback on what you post. I’ve literally never come across a single person who is outright negative towards anyone. We are one big happy family here to uplift our fellow students