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Just starting out, need a PLAN

Niyar Deka

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Hello synners,
I am 17, from India. Played the guitar dor like 2 years when i was 13, but due to certain circumstances i had to stay away without my guitar for 2 years. I learned the basics from a local teacher but i still feel i am just a beginner. So i finally got my axe again and want to learn. I just wanted to know (this site being the only source of learning the instrument) how much time would i take to be able to shed the shit out(). Like how should i go about with the site and how do i plan out the entire learning phase. Would be overwhelmed by your suggestions and advice. Thank you so much for creating the best community in the WORLD!! A7X For Life!!!


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Just being able to shred is really just sit down with a metronome playing scales up and down and putting the hours in.
If you want to be a good musician just start from first lesson and go through all of them. There’s no shortcut.