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Making It In A Band These Days…

Isaac Moss

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Hey guys! So this week I started a band with a few people I know and we’re all really pumped about it. I’ve sent them lots of riffs and song parts I wrote and they all really liked the stuff I sent so we’ll probably be writing on those when we get to jam and stuff. With all this happening I’ve been thinking about “making it” in music and how hard that’ll be. I know with time it’s gotten harder to do and the metal/rock scene isn’t exactly the biggest thing on the block right now. I’m not concerned about making huge amounts of money or anything like that I just want to be able to make music I’m happy with and make a living at that, I’d love to become as big as Avenged but I know how difficult that is, I’m gonna keep trying though. Are any of you guys also wanting to make it as a musician? Do you guys know what the process bands these days use to get recogition and stuff anyways?