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Meeting Brian?

Kris Crocker

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I just wanted to ask all of you if you have any experience seeing Avenged Sevenfold Live. I’ve never seen them live but I’m checking everyday to see if they plan any tours. I am such a big fan but sadly with Matt’s throat problem, I don’t think I’ll be able to see them. I’m super scared of that because I am literally in love with A7X and there’s a chance I’ll never get to see them live.
So I’m here to ask you guys if you have any experiences seeing any of the band members or seeing them all live.
Have a nice day 🙂

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Matt’s throat problem is NOT forever. Zacky recently said they have no tour plans for 2019, but are looking at an album release cycle in 2020, with tour to follow. I’ve seen them several times over the years (I think the first was on the S/T album with the Rev, then with Portnoy on the Nightmare cycle, and I’m pretty sure I caught an Arin show, as well – a summer tour or possibly a festival before the regular touring cycle for HTTK. I was set to see them a week after they announced the sick time, so that bummed me out, but I do *know* they will be back, so have hope!

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    I’ve seen them 3 times. The first was rockstar with arin. They did great.They played all their singles.
    2nd time I see them opening for Metallica. I left after they played lol. Again.. their singles.
    3rd.time I saw them was their latest tour. And they expanded off their singles. Was almost 2 hours. I did VIP. Was worth every penny.
    I’d expect them to write this album entirely.before touring again. Logical thing while matt rests his voice. Cant wait to hear what they come up with cause realistically they didnt really plan the writing. So itll be fun to see if they had songs laid out.. or are starting to lay them out.

    Evan Cosman

    Free Bird Player
    Nov 11, 2019
    I feel you man I want to see them so bad! I was going to go see them last summer when sadly Matt got his throat infection. I’m pretty sure that Matt said that he recovered from it (but im not 100%). A7X loves their fans so much and make around 99% of their income off of it so im sure they will continue to tour, just cant wait

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I am sure you get your chance! They are a pretty active band and as Ed said, Matt will be fine again!
    I caught them during their The Stage Tour and it was an unreal concert. Not only that Disturbed opened for them but their show and performance was just incredible. Also I was pretty close so from time to time I had Matt almost sing in my face!

    I couldn’t help to record my favorite song in old fashion shitty phone quality lol

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    They said 3 months. It’s been more now. But what I’m saying is since it happened it just makes sense to write another record. Give his voice more time. And allow them to take time in the next album.
    I feel Matt’s voice will be back better then ever.on the next album.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    @Sayonil, Linkin Park was very good live. I have a story. In the late 90s, I moved to Phoenix, AZ from New York. As I was digging into the local music scene, I kept hearing about a band I needed to check out called Grey Daze. I went to a club to catch them – it was one of the larger clubs in the area, raised stage, good PA, could hold maybe 1500 people or so. I watched Grey Daze.
    I wasn’t impressed.
    The singer was AMAZING, but the rest of the band was barely good enough to be boring and generic. I told that to the singer as he walked right up to me after the show. Apparently the lady I’d been trying to generate interest with was his wife. I had no idea she was ANYONE’S wife, or I would have left her alone. Anyway, he and I got to talking and I told him he was way too good for that band.
    I was angling for “well, let’s get together and see what we can do,” but he just politely thanked me for sharing, and he really did seem to take it in, and then he and his wife left.
    A year or two later, I heard that voice again on the radio. Unmistakable. So was the name. Like “Schwarzenegger,” it wasn’t a name you really forgot. It was Chester Bennington.
    No, I don’t think I had anything to do with it, other than likely being one voice in a large chorus all telling him the same thing. 🙂
    Synner Endless Summer Collection