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Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
A metronome just is a timen keeping thing. It basically tell you The tempo of the song by BPM and the time signature by where the accents are.
You get moderately figure out the tempo of a song by tapping your foot or hand to it. Payes some extra attention to where the snare is when you counts because in most music in 4/4 the snaren is always on the 2 and the 4 when you count 1 2 3 4
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Jake Young

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Seems they’ve got you covered on figuring out the bpm..as far as running scales or doing different exercises.. The easiest way, especially if you’re just getting started using a metronome, is to play a note on every click. Doing so is called a Quarter note..it’s worth one beat in 4/4 timing.. And of course you count it as 1-2-3-4. 4 beats makes up a measure in 4/4 so you start counting at 1 again. You can pretty much max out your metronome in this way.. Then start at a slow tempo again and do Eighth notes..they’re worth 1/2 a beat in 4/4 timing..counted as 1 & – 2 & – 3 & – 4 &.. Meaning you can fit twice as many notes in a measure. Then there’s Sixteenth notes..worth 1/4 of a beat in 4/4. You count them as 1 e & uh – 2 e & uh – 3 e & uh – 4 e & uh. Then you have Triplets and Sixteenth note triples..but I’m gonna stop here because I don’t want to confuse you too much..I hope I didn’t already. There’s a lot to be said about this stuff and this is just kind of a basic rundown! Hope it helps! Hah at least a little

Tory Capman

One Stringer
Nov 11, 2019
You could also use tab references for the song. Official tabs should all have the tempo on the first page near the time signature. And many user submitted tabs include it also. But be sure to pay attention to the time signature if you’re going to use a metronome to build your speed up for that specific song. Most metronomes are preset to 4/4 time which is the most common. But if the time signature is different, you’ll need to adjust the metronome to 3/4 or whatever it calls for.