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My bands newest single/debut music video

Cole Kaluger

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Hey everyone,
For anyone who is interested in checking out some new music I wanted to share my band Faith in Failure’s debut music video for a song called “Vampire” that released this past week. The song is available now anywhere you stream or purchase music, and we also have 3 other songs available if anyone is interested. The link for the video is below and we welcome any thoughts, opinions, criticisms, shares, views, etc. Thank you in advance!
Faith in Failure- Vampire

This topic was modified 4 months ago by  Cole Kaluger.


Cole Kaluger

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Thank you everyone for the kind words! If you liked that one, our other big single right now is called “Hero” and it’ll be linked below. Also Ed this one does have a guitar solo in it
Faith in Failure- Hero
Thank you again everyone!