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My First Lesson! Introduction To Rhythm Notation


Jak Angelescu

Hey there everyone! I took a shot at starting from the VERY beginning of what I personally believe is a good thing to learn first about music theory, and that’s rhythm notation. Before I go into the detailed school lesson videos I thought it’d be best to truly start someone at ground zero. I grew up in a musical family and was in band for 7 years of school, plus attending a conservatory for classical guitar for a little bit. So after all of that, the biggest thing I found that helped me out the most was how to count. It’ll help you with learning the lessons on here, as well as rhythmic timing, and reading tabs or sheet music. I’d appreciate some feedback as I was REALLY nervous teaching this! I know it really well, but I always say “You don’t realize how much you need to know something until you have to teach it.”
Synner Endless Summer Collection