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Need Help Finding A Melody I Heard In A Dream


Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
Aug 12, 2022
Hey everyone! I had this really awesome dream of this band playing a song that sounded kind of almost like a group of older men playing a good ol' fashioned country song. There were a lot of harmonies, and I HEARD (and hear) the melody and even the lyrics. It was so pretty and I'm trying to figure out the melody on guitar but everything sounds wrong and I end up changing my notes when I try to find it on guitar.

The notes don't change very much. It's a slow melody. Does anyone have any tips for figuring stuff out like this? Thanks!

Chris Johnston

Music Theory Bragger
  • Nov 11, 2019
    North Ayrshire, Scotland
    Hey everyone! I had this really awesome dream of this band playing a song that sounded kind of almost like a group of older men playing a good ol' fashioned country song. There were a lot of harmonies, and I HEARD (and hear) the melody and even the lyrics. It was so pretty and I'm trying to figure out the melody on guitar but everything sounds wrong and I end up changing my notes when I try to find it on guitar.

    The notes don't change very much. It's a slow melody. Does anyone have any tips for figuring stuff out like this? Thanks!
    Hey Jak, this is super interesting! I'm sure I have you on Facebook or Insta - If you send me a voice note of you singing it or humming it I can try and figure it out for you - As others have said too, try and get the first note and that might set you off too 😊
    Synner Endless Summer Collection
    Sing the melody and record it so you’ve got a reference! This will ensure you’ve got it saved because as musicians, we’re really notorious for saying “ah, I’ll remember it later” and then bang! It’s gone!
    Creatively speaking, this also gives you the chance to start branching off and making it your own by means of motivic development ✌🏻
    Great artists steal 🤫🤫