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Advanced Negative to Positive

Advanced Theory

William B.

Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    How to change these energy types? My energy is too dark and it's taking me over. How do I change this if it's the comfort zone? Backstreet Boys doesn't help, do I need Lithium? I want to get support. I never learned to ask for help, I'm trying. I can't get a smile a like or jack shit, do I just continue to repay the favor? Is this why Metal artists are angry? In Hip Hop they say real recognize real, why does the Metal community shit on each other so badly? Is it that you got cursed and are bitter and pass the curse on? Learning an instrument is cool, I can sing and make my instrument sing some too, at what cost? I am depressed poor and alone now. Is this why they use to call it "Devil" music? I'm not scared of the Devil, but my body will fade and my time will be wasted.

    I wanted to make a post asking "If Elvis Presley was the only King of Rock and why?"
    Seeing as my Post options are being slowly greyed out and not being able to pay for membership because it's limited to ONLY credit and my posts about it go unanswered. I'm happy to give PG money for teaching me guitar, I never had a teacher and I think I relate to his style very much.

    I should probably become a DJ if I want to get money
    Internet is the AI brain and it sucks, where are the time travelers?



    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    how to go from negative to positive is a mindset thing. I always very much believe everything is gonna be ok at some point but still need some help every once in a while when I deal with stress or something like that. The most important thing to realize here is that you're not alone! Try to approach people without being too intense and I'm sure they'll like you! However, if you paint yourself with a lot of negative energy it's gonna be different and people will be a little reluctant. Just be yourself and if they like you they like you if not there's other people who do!

    please seek some professional help because it sounds like you're going on a very dark path right now and we all want you to be ok
    Last edited:

    Christian Schulze

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Rockstar Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hey man. Im seeing you going down the dark path. Just wanted to let you know that I understand. Sometimes I go down a pretty dark road too. Because of that I believe professional help would be the right way to go man. They have the tools and experience needed to help you out in a effective way.

    Now, on another note, I would not say that being a legend member here gives you more attention. Sometimes it's just hard to keep up with all the post of all the people that post here. So don't worry about that bro.

    Take care of yourself.

    Daniel Sobota

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Dubrovnik, Croatia
    Our genre attracts people who feel darker emotions because those who feel them need a cathartic experience. I don't see negative as a necessarily bad thing, especially not if you can create something positive out of the negative. You need both in life, there just needs to be a way to balance them.

    The worst thing you can do is deny you have negative emotions and be "fake positive". Sometimes you just have to let it be and accept it as a part of who you are. Then you can work your way up from there. Reaching spiritual and emotional rest is a constant thing, and as you learn to balance your emotions, you will be able to get closer to it.

    Chris Johnston

    Music Theory Bragger
  • Nov 11, 2019
    North Ayrshire, Scotland
    Hey man, so I commented on your other thread with what I would have said on this one, but I thought that if you're feeling really down and live in Cali, these links could be useful to you: https://www.mentalhealthca.org/resources - I'm from Scotland so I don't know if a lot of these will be of use, but it's worth a shot!

    I've actually used 7cups myself in the past when I felt like I didn't want to share with those around me - it's decent! You're basically talking to Volunteers. It's a great free route if you can't afford a therapist (again not sure if you have to pay where you are) but I'm sure there are loads of great options available.

    Another thing that I've tried that really helps is meditating (I know how it sounds haha - but I swear it's amazing for stress/negative thoughts) the 1 Giant Mind smartphone app is my go to : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?hl=en&id=org.onegiantmind

    The main thing is getting yourself feeling better and on the rise. You're only human and the mental health struggle is real, and huge in men. So don't ever feel like you can't speak about it on here

    Jesse Salmons

    Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hey man, take it from someone who battles negative mental health on a daily basis. Its okay to not be okay, you just have to realize it and take steps to take care of it. Whatever the situation may be, how ever dark the road ahead might look, it doesnt last forever. Bad times are temporary. This goes hand in hand with appreciating the good times. The happy times. Just live life without a care to what people think, and be yourself. Do what makes you happy. Start there. Do the things you enjoy, fuck what other people think. Get some help if you feel you need it, its nothing to be ashamed of. Party on, brother.

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    A few thoughts that many will not understand.

    William we've chatted it up a lot outside the school and I've followed you while some other people that I still keep in contact here. I know you also asked me some questions on my moods as we are a lot alike. I think you suffer from some of the same anxiety issues as me. Or close to it. Not easy meeting strangers when every experience turns to shit. Thats how you get robbed of all your guitars and possessions. But at the same time you gotta get out there and find some good people to be around you. People who support you. Not just say it but mean it. I'll always support you because I think we can relate ourselves. My ear is always open for you. Social anxiety isn't something easy to deal with and unless you have it yourself you will NEVER understand how hard it is to meet new people when you need to meet new people to keep you from being alone. As scary as it is to meet new people its worse being alone.

    I cant comment on the beat downs.. cept to say that has to be hard. I was bullied as a kid and had rocks and pinecone thrown at me.. but never beat up.

    All I can really say is you aren't the problem man. You just suffer from the same issues as many others do out there. You aren't the only one so you atleast can go look for others who feel like you. There may be some social groups you can find on fb.. I personally have found no extra help except for the few people I kept in contact with here. There were a couple that truly understood my issues and didn't hold anything against me when I went off the rails. Maybe they could give you a talk if needed? Not everyone here is hard to talk to.. I have had a couple that I truly appreciated. One name I'll mention here is Alicia. I have a lot of respect for her. Not afraid to give help or say when things went too far. And very understanding. Im sure there are others.
    Reactions: Lindsey

    William B.

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    My experience with Professionals is they are CRAZY! Worst thing I did was say yes ok I'll try one of those pills, they will diagnose everyone with something eventually. Sorry for being a verbal douche, I'm not use to people trying to comfort me
    Reactions: Firsty Lasty

    Adin Shepherd

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hey William, I am no mental health professional, but it sounds to me like the help you need is not going to be found on a guitar forum (you will find the support here though), nor will diving into music be some magic cure all. As others have already suggested, seek out a professional who can help you work through the issues you are experiencing. Perhaps start with your local doctor, they may be able to provide a referal to someone who you can talk to.

    Good luck Will, I hope you find what you are looking for.


    Campfire Attention Holder
    May 27, 2020
    Toronto, Ontario
    People here have said good things that don’t need to be repeated . But I walked down a path in the past that is worth mentioning I think

    Do you drink or do any drugs? For some people that can really exacerbate symptoms. If you answer rarely or occasionally - ask yourself if that’s true? I used to lie to myself that my substance abuse and drug use was fine since I “wasn’t addicted”. My definition was that I could stop anytime and I wouldn’t physically collapse and die like a physical withdrawal so I wasn’t addicted. But when I stepped back and looked at my smoking, drinking and drug habits I realized I was doing it when I was stressed, anxious, or in a very bad low. I think all these things made me forget how to cope with my own feelings naturally. if this doesn’t apply to you then ignore me ...

    Talk therapy may seem silly but can sometimes help unravel some mysteries, or see facts that have always been right in front of you, but your mind can’t see it in its current state. If you haven’t tried it, it can be worth a shot. Like someone else said a guitar forum can’t help you but we can try to get you going in the right direction. Good luck and take care dude

    Mike Creuzer

    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Man, the last thing I want to hear is about how you feel grayed out around here. Going through stuff is never fun, but this is supposed to be a place you can share. To one of your points, Legend posts looking so vibrant, man, I think I need to tone that down a bit. (eta: let me know if that looks any better)

    And tbh thats my fault, Syn doesn't care about such things he leaves it to me and Alex. and truthfully I normally work with for-profit businesses that (in some situations) only care about money. Syn's not like that, and he'd probably be pissed at me if he saw I had made someone feel that way.

    This community, this group, all of you individually are fucking one of a kind. I mean that. True community here. Its not work when Im doing work on this platform even though its my day job. Truth is I love it. I take the time out of my day (at fucking 8:52pm might I add lol) just to come check out this community and read what you guys are talking about. I know piss all about guitar or musical talent, but I come here, see stuff like what you've been posting man, yeah, those riffs yup I watch them. A lot of us here do, and we get inspired from that. We definitely get inspired from you.

    If you need someone who doesn't know you, likely will never meet you, will absolutely not judge you, but cares for you and what you stand for, send me a private message. And I bet you any last one of the fuckers in this forum would want that same opportunity too.


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 17, 2019
    Portugal/Manchester UK
    Hey man sorry to hear you going through some shit... Everyone said what you need to do... I know you dont want to go to the doctor is always like that but you need to start somewhere. If you can look for some psycotherapy, I never had any medicine or anything, did wonders, shit days still come but I now find a way to go around them.
    And when and if you need just send a private message man!
    Reactions: idssdi and Ed Seith


    Campfire Attention Holder
    Oct 26, 2020
    Charlotte, NC
    I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time but you gotta also realize that life is always a series of roller coaster emotions, we rotate through hot and cold, but always know that any dark feelings are only temporary. I loath using quotes for psychotherapeutic purposes but by reading your post I believe this might apply.

    “If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see”

    Not gonna lie man, sometimes shit just sucks and we feel depressed and lonely, but again, this will all pass in time. I would concur with others here that the assistance you’re looking for is not to be found on a guitar forum or any online platform. Your first step in my opinion should be to seek out a psychologist (not a psychiatrist) or family counselor to see if having someone to talk to about your feelings might help. From your post I get the impression that you need to vent about some things going on in your life and that’s perfectly natural and there is absolutely no shame in seeking out the help of a licensed professional. Until you do that, just try to take it easy my friend. If music is playing a part in your stress, then give it a break, musics not going anywhere!

    To help give my words some weight, I’ll tell you this man. I too have been robbed of all my guitars and possessions not once, but 4 times. I had very fuckin dark times for many years living in the streets and trying to escape all my dark shit with hard drugs, that of course made shit worse.I’ve dealt with the shittiest people on this planet and I can tell you that I still believe people are majority on the good side, and that’s hard to grasp enough to be able to open up anything to anyone I know, but that’s what you gotta do. Don’t try to escape your reality by distractions or drugs and don’t try to bottle everything up man. Also remember that online interactions should never influence your perspective on interacting with people IRL, people just suck online a lot and that’s why the internet can be a dangerous world to spend time in. In real life people suck a lot too, but ya know what? Fuck em, you don’t need them. You can’t let the shit from other people drip on to you.If someone calls you a douchebag, fuck them too, they’re just wrong so if they’re wrong then why carry with you that anger and resentful dark energy?

    my friend, I will also say in all honesty that you are putting far too much weight into smiles and likes on here. That shit means absolutely nothing, its all a system that copies the modern social media format. The format is to give you that little dopamine rush when you get a like, then you want more and more. Without going deep into the neurochemistry of it, I’ll tell you it’s simply an addiction. This is a common problem today and you need to take a step back and place more emphasis in your real world. Focus on school, work, relationships etc. I’m assuming your probably a teenager so focus on school! Take it from me, a paragon of wasted potential who fucked it all up.

    Sorry for the wall of text, brevity has never been my strong suit haha but in summary:

    -Try to avoid placing any importance on social media or Internet forums
    -seek out a psychologist if you need someone to talk to
    -avoid drugs/alcohol and find healthy coping mechanisms
    -try to understand that there are shitty people everywhere, but there are always also good people and they far outnumber the bad
    -just be easy on yourself man

    These emotions will pass, this darkness will pass. All things heal in time, ya gotta put the past in the rear view and just find that light bro, there’s always a silver lining, even often in the shittiest fuckin circumstances. Please feel free to hit me up if you need someone to talk to man, we are all here for you and know you’re never alone!