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New Album

Daniel Sobota

Garage band Groupie
Nov 11, 2019
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Probably the most important thing regarding the band right now, is the yet-to-be-released eighth studio album, with the release date scheduled for 2020. It's been a while since The Stage, and most people were expecting a new one this year, but sadly that didn't happen. With that being said, 2020 is right around the corner so the wait shouldn't be that long anymore.

So what do you guys hope for on the next album? I personally would like to hear more heavier stuff, thrash influences in the riffs and solos, up-tempo SoCal punk influences and some black metal and gothic orchestral influences for the darker atmosphere. It's safe to say there will be some progressive elements as well, with extended song lengths and experimentation in songwriting.

I have to say that I wouldn't like there to be one too many ballads (just not my thing overall), but if they do a song like IWSYTPT1 or something like that, I can get behind that.

Also, one more thing, in the latest DWJ episode, there seem to be some kind of musical clips sampled throughout the show. It's low in the mix, but if you turn it up, you can clearly hear some sick riffage and crazy drum fills.
I wonder if that's new A7X. :unsure::unsure::unsure:

Dominik Gräber

Hot Topic Tourer
Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I would definetly love to hear all of what you mentioned in a new A7X album but seriously, the changed from album to album and always came up with something fresh and creative so I will gladly keep my expectations in a certain direction low and see what they come up with next!

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    I dunno why people expected one in 2019. They would still be touring if it wasnt for Matt's voice. The album would have been later. They were pretty upfront with their plans since they cancelled the tour I think they said to expect spring. It looks ahead of schedule to be honest.

    Plus we have pgs album.coming out too. I remember that was planned before the a7x one but then the tour ended so all priority seemed to shift to the writing.of a7xs album. But both seem to be going now.

    Daniel Sobota

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Dubrovnik, Croatia
    I dunno why people expected one in 2019. They would still be touring if it wasnt for Matt's voice. The album would have been later. They were pretty upfront with their plans since they cancelled the tour I think they said to expect spring. It looks ahead of schedule to be honest.

    Plus we have pgs album.coming out too. I remember that was planned before the a7x one but then the tour ended so all priority seemed to shift to the writing.of a7xs album. But both seem to be going now.

    I don't think they would have been touring in 2019 if Matt's voice was good either. They said that the 2018 summer tour would have been the last one for The Stage cycle.

    But yeah, we will be getting the album pretty soon at this point.

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Well before they could even record Matt's voice had to rest. So they couldnt eve really rehearse until he was good to go. So I could imagine there was a ton of writing but not much playing it out for a while. I'd rather matt not rush himself cause everytime his voice goes it's the scare it wont come back. I'm glad they took their time.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Edward John

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    Please no. He'd make them sound like every radio rock Octane band.

    I think Joe Baressi is a good choice if they decide to stay with him. But it would be great if they could get Terry Date or Colin Richardson.
    And A7X doesn't have any Radio Rock leanings? Did you listen to the new Disturbed album? That sounds great. His production has improved over the years. Plus you make it sound like Radio Rock is a bad thing?
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Daniel Sobota

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Dubrovnik, Croatia
    And A7X doesn't have any Radio Rock leanings? Did you listen to the new Disturbed album? That sounds great. His production has improved over the years. Plus you make it sound like Radio Rock is a bad thing?
    Well, my opinion is that they should move away from that sound... I think new Disturbed is their worst album to date, sorry.

    I could make a whole rant here about radio rock, but don't want to start arguing lol.

    Edward John

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    I don't think it is there best album either, but there are still some great songs on it though. How about 'The Best Ones Lie?' But you got to admit, you must like some of the radio friendly A7X, what about 'Seize the Day?' Everyone wants to Disturbed to go back to The Sickness sound, and so do I, but they aren't going to, because I don't even think they could top that even if they tried. Trust me though, the opinion of Evolution will only get better soon.

    Daniel Sobota

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    Dubrovnik, Croatia
    I don't think it is there best album either, but there are still some great songs on it though. How about 'The Best Ones Lie?' But you got to admit, you must like some of the radio friendly A7X, what about 'Seize the Day?' Everyone wants to Disturbed to go back to The Sickness sound, and so do I, but they aren't going to, because I don't even think they could top that even if they tried. Trust me though, the opinion of Evolution will only get better soon.
    I really only like 2 songs off that Disturbed album. Are You Ready and No More. And even those tracks would be "meh" on an album like Indestructible. It's like Ed said, they were trying so hard to get another The Sound of Silence.

    As for A7X and their radio-friendly stuff, not a big fan either. I'm into songs like IWSYTPT1 or Buried Alive, that have those softer moments, but still feel very metal. But Seize the Day, Dear God and stuff like that... Pass haha.

    Ezequiel Romanko

    Garage band Groupie
    Nov 11, 2019
    what i love most from a7x its their abillity to not sound like the other album, and they create music that trascends the heavy metal genre, i mean they "mix" two completly different styles in ocations and then make a master piece of it :) i don't know what they will come with the new album but no doubt that it will be wonderful :) can't wait to the new release :)

    Edward John

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    I really only like 2 songs off that Disturbed album. Are You Ready and No More. And even those tracks would be "meh" on an album like Indestructible. It's like Ed said, they were trying so hard to get another The Sound of Silence.

    As for A7X and their radio-friendly stuff, not a big fan either. I'm into songs like IWSYTPT1 or Buried Alive, that have those softer moments, but still feel very metal. But Seize the Day, Dear God and stuff like that... Pass haha.
    Check out this song again.
    You got to admit though, Syn's solo on Seize the Day is pure heartbreak emotion! You got to have the ballads with the heavy! If its just the heavy then the heavy loses the heavy!
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    Synner Endless Summer Collection