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New Arctic Monkeys record!


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Well it sounds more like an Alex Turner solo record so it’s more like The last shadow Puppets (Alex turner’s side project with miles Kane) and i love the last Shadow Puppets so I do really like it. Especially whatever people say I am, that’s what I’m not has a lot more of a punk influence.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Billie M

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I listened to it first thing this morning! 🙂 I love The Ultracheese and Science Fiction!!
I totally agree with you it does sound like an Alex Turner album, I think it’s because of the amount of words sung within a minute XD
Science Fiction kinda sounds a little bit like Dracula Teeth which is nice, don’t need to wait another 8 years for a TLSPesque song. They should add more piano to their music, it sounds so nice in The Ultracheese!
Usually I love when there’s a lot of lyrics in their songs but this time it feels a bit too much (except maybe for The Ultracheese).
I don’t know.. maybe in a few weeks I’ll love each and every one of those new songs, like when Bad Habits by the Last Shadow Puppets came out, it wasn’t my favourite but after a while I grew to really like it. But I do like that it’s very different from what they did before and that it sounds a bit like a TLSP album.