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Jak Angelescu

Alright you guys! I’ve been super busy with practicing for the studio tomorrow and studying for my real estate test so i’m sorry I didn’t get this posted sooner. If you’re new to this concept, I issue homework assignments every single week for beginners to advanced players. I do the assignments based off the lessons to make sure the students are following the lessons and they get some sort of self-accountability. Then, on Saturday you upload your homework here and have the option to go live with me on Instagram every Saturday at 3pmCST so you can learn to overcome your fears of playing in front of other people as well as get feedback and show off your mad skillz.
PEOPLE LOVE THE LIVE STREAMS. I have made so many new friends and when the students go live NO ONE CAN STOP LAUGHING. We all have a great time! So I encourage you to show up if you can!
With that being said, here is the new homework assignment. It is over Lesson 8: The Major Chord
Beginners: Now that you know how a major scale is built and how a major CHORD is built, find the chord positions and name the notes in 5 different major chords of your choice. For example, a major chord is built off the 1-3-5 of the scale. And I want to find the notes in an Fmaj chord. I know the formula for the major scale would give me F-G-A-Bb-C-D-E-F. I now can say that an Fmaj chord is comprised of F-A-C. So Use this knowledge and find 5 other major chords and be able to name the notes.
Intermediate: Compose a 12 bar blues pattern in a MAJOR key of your choice and record yourself playing JUST THAT with a good rhythm that you create. NO LEAD PLAYING AT ALL.
Advanced: Pick a major key signature in the typical pop progression of a I-V-vi-V and perform a key modulation. NO LEAD ALLOWED!
The reason why I keep saying “no lead allowed” is because the major chord is so essential for songwriting. And because guitar must also be used for songwriting and not just soloing, I would like for students to further their chord progression, rhythm and songwriting work. Good luck everyone! See you Saturday!

Jak Angelescu

@calvin There is no lead allowed under any circumstances at all in this homework assignment. This is strictly chord based. Not even one single note. Not a bend, not a 3 string arpeggio. Nothing. If anybody need help understanding the concept of course building I am more than willing to help as well as I’m sure dozens of other students will help as well 🙂

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Power chords too? I mean technically its 3 string lol just making sure I know what I’m doing here..this one will be tough on the fingers. Basically open string chords and using the caged system to create the chords to replace the power chords youd normally use.

Dominik Gräber

Hot Topic Tourer
Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Oh my.. I know I will be too lazy to get into this. But I really love what you do here. You really put thoughts on how to apply the lessons!
    At the moment I am really having fun learning rhythm sections of songs or slowly getting ahold of improvising with pentatonics. But I might take your homework and do everything as soon as the motivation hits me again 😛
    Synner Endless Summer Collection
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    Since I’m not sure I can make the livestream I made a video playing it and more or less explaining the stuff I find interesting in it. I apologize for the scrappy playing/explanation, optical and magnetic properties of materials fried my brain a bit before I made this
    Synner Endless Summer Collection