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Jak Angelescu

After Master Shredder shared the video about Jayden on his story, I was flooded with Instagram messages about disheartened students that felt like they were not good enough. And some wondered what it would truly take to be recognized in such a way. Some people felt like they were not good as the young kid was nor would they ever be able to amount to that. But it didnā€™t stop there. Many students and non-students of guitar wrote me and said that they felt like thereā€™s a big struggle in their life about finding band mates that stay, finding friends that believe in them and struggling with getting your family to care. Maybe this video will help some of you.

Koltin Hendrix

Garage band Groupie
Nov 11, 2019
Warren, tx
Couldnā€™t have had better timing with this, Iā€™ve been in this exact hole and have been killing myself trying to get out of it. Got the impulse to come on here for inspiration and wound up right where I needed to be. I just turned 20 at the end of July, and itā€™s amazing to hear my thoughts come through someone elseā€™s mouth. I have a few friends, but the only real person I have to keep me driven everyday is my girlfriend, and even as much as she supports me I find myself looking for a reason. Iā€™m not really the social type, so Iā€™ve never really let myself be a part of forums such as this one. I apologize if Iā€™m being too outwards here, but I feel this is something I should do. I have a home studio and have already learned a little bit of everything, and do it on my own for the point you made. Felt that way for a while, but sometimes Iā€™ll get to a certain point where I feel like a narcissist which leads to me losing motivation. Iā€™m out of a car and a job right now, and live 8 miles from the nearest store, so things have been a little down lately. Iā€™ve been telling myself to use this time I have to make music, but Iā€™ll end up in my studio messing around and come out at the end of the day with nothing. Leads back to what I was saying about perfect timing. Had a lot more to say while I was watching the video, but I think Iā€™ll just end it here lol. Looking forward to being around here more if I can stay out of my shell

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    @jak ā€“ great video. Not having support from family or friends is a common thing, and I dealt with it in the 80s and 90s too. Friends who werenā€™t in my band didnā€™t like metal and would OCCASIONALLY come out to a show if nothing else was going on. Iā€™ve already told the story about how my parents reacted to my first real demo. It was crushing. I had no support.
    Even now, I have very few local friends, and my wife hates metal (she likes Syn, though ā€“ he smells good), but she does her best. She rolls her eyes with a smile when I say Iā€™m getting another guitar, and though Iā€™ve only played two gigs since weā€™ve been together, she was at both of them ā€“ front and center. Sheā€™s the closest thing Iā€™ve ever had to real support in a musical context.
    And bassistsā€¦ fucking bassists. They all wind up quitting right before or after theyā€™re supposed to record their parts for the demo/album. Hell, even Syn knows that. And pregnant drummers? Fuck, I didnā€™t even know he was getting any, and pretty soon the belly was hanging over the snare. Fuck everything.
    When is your song gonna be done? Iā€™m getting tired of hearing snippets!
    @koltin ā€“ keep sharing. Great stuff! As cool as your shell is, we like you better out here. You can open up safely here. No one will criticize you poorly or tear you down. Unless youā€™re a fucking bassist or a pregnant drummer.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection