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Nightmare Tips + Weekly Advice🎸🎸


Jak Angelescu

Hello $ynners! I had some requests to do a tutorial already for Nightmare and because I don’t have time to do it, somebody suggested that they wanted me to highlight it on my story. So I went ahead and did it and added tips for it on each slide. I wanted to do it here but because of copyright issues I can’t do it on YouTube or Vimeo because it gets taken down. But feel free to head over to my Instagram at GuitarNinjaCat and check out the pinned story with the Nightmare icon.
🎶Now here is your weekly tips and advice!🎶 To be honest, when I was learning Nightmare over these last few days I was astonished with how much I could figure out on my own. Learning scale patterns has really helped and getting used to how $yn writes and listening for the octaves has helped tremendously. I think once I got over the hurdle of Hail to the King, I have felt really proud with feeling like I can do just about anything I set my mind to. I would like to encourage you to do the same! 🎷🤗 If there is that one song that you want to learn, I don’t care how hard or challenging it is. I blew my own mind with learning Hail to the King and I’m currently now blowing my own mind with how far I’ve gotten with Nightmare in less than 4 hours without relying on anybody but watching him live and my own knowledge. You owe it to yourself to see how good you really are. Don’t discredit your ability. With patience and persistence and focused mind, you can really figure out anything you want to! And once you do, you will feel unstoppable! Happy shredding everyone!

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Been hearing the octaves myself too lately. Good trick i learned. One octave up is 2 strings up.. 2 frets over (12 total frets). So 8 on e is 10 on d.. etc. Been making licks and solos more creative. Will also help with patterns too in the scales. Some may already know this. Once i figured that out a lot came together quickly. Improvising has gotten better cause of that too.

Gabriel Corso

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
That is really nice to hear, jak!
I was explaining this to my friend the other day. That when you know the scales, learning songs from your favourite artist becomes muuuuch easier.
Also I have been off the school this whole week. Finals suck!
I hope to be more preswent in the nest weeks.