So I was watching lesson 42 about learning the fretboard and Papa Gates said that you can learn the whole fretboard if you practise for only 5 minutes a day for 3-4 weeks. I decided to test this out to see if I will actually be able to learn the whole fretboard by practising only 5 minutes a day for 30 days.
I tried to make the video as short as possible but that’s kinda hard when you have 2.5h of footage. You can skip around the video if you don’t want to watch the whole thing to see the progress. Basically what I did was Learn 2 notes and practise for 5 minutes and when I was comfortable to move on I added 2 more notes. I only practised for 5 minutes a day, no more no less. Also I have to say that I knew the E and A string really well before I started doing this and the D & G I did know but I first had to locate the note on either E or A string to know what note is on the D or G string but I couldn’t find the note from the top of my head.